• Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

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#1 Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da LukaszBsKrakow 9 settembre 2024, 21:13

Charger: BQ24760
CPU: i3 7gen
Winbond 25q32BVIG
Winbond 25q16CVIG

Mam obecnie na stole laptopa jak w temacie.
Laptop się uruchamia poprawnie, działa na zasilaczu lecz nie ładuję baterii.
W systemie jest informacja ,,nie wykryto baterii".
Dioda na obudowie laptopa od baterii miga pulsacyjnie na pomarańczowo.

Mam 2 baterie na podmianę i na obu taka sama sytuacja.
Za każdym razem jak podepnę zasilacz nawet z wpiętą baterią to laptop ma autostart, jakby faktycznie jej nie wykrywał.

Biosu póki co nie ruszałem.
Poniżej kilka pomiarów

Bez baterii, sam zasilacz:

n.2 0V
n.4 2,6V
n.6-8 3.2V
n.11-12 2,77V
n.21-29 2,77V
n.30-34 19,3

N.2 0V
N.4 2,6V
N.6-8 3,2V
N.11-12 8,4V
N.21-29 8,4V
N.30-34 19,3V


Pomiar złącza baterii: bateria wpięta+ zasilacz
N.1-2 8,4V
n.3 0V
n.4 0,03V
n.5 3,3V
n.6 3,3V

Bateria wypięta, sam zasilacz.
N.1-2 2,77V
n.3 0V
n.4 3,3V
n.5 3,3V
n.6 3,3V

Gdzie dalej szukać usterki?
Z góry dziękuję za podpowiedzi :)

Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da Google Adsense [BOT] 9 settembre 2024, 21:13

#2 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da matic 10 settembre 2024, 11:55

Make sure the battery detection switch SW1 is activated (pressed).

#3 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da wof 10 settembre 2024, 14:58
N.1-2 2,77V ...this is voltage of the battery - standard voltage of working battery should be cca 7.5V ...it has two cells, 7.5/2=3.7V voltage of single cell...critical voltage for cell is around 3V...here you have 2.77/2=1.4V cell... after any single cell voltage drops below critical value, battery integrated charging ic blocks for security reasons charging (...in most cases) - and the battery is blocked/locked. Older batteries could be sometimes revived by precharging every single cell one by one to its minimal working voltage (need to open battery to access cells). Newer batteries are firmware blocked and need special tools to be unlocked/reset, else would not charge even after cells precharging/ballancing.
If you dont have such tools to directly diagnose battery, try at least some software based tools like BatteryInfoView to get more accurate info on battery itself and what is going on...especially charging current and actual voltage...look for any even minimal changes.

#4 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da LukaszBsKrakow 11 settembre 2024, 09:34
The 2.77V measurement occurs when the battery is removed from the laptop.
Only the power supply is then connected.
However, when the battery and power supply are connected, the measurement n.1-2 indicates 8.4V

#5 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da matic 11 settembre 2024, 13:15
How about the post #2 ?

#6 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da LukaszBsKrakow 12 settembre 2024, 07:20
matic ha scritto:How about the post #2 ?

The switch works properly and clicks. I also desoldered it to rule out its damage, but there was no change.
There is no voltage on the pins of this switch.

I have a new charger, replace it?

#7 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da matic 12 settembre 2024, 08:19
LukaszBsKrakow ha scritto:I also desoldered it to rule out its damage, but there was no change.
This switch should be pressed all the time, otherwise the battery will not work. You can bridge it with a jump wire for testing purpose.

LukaszBsKrakow ha scritto:I have a new charger, replace it?
So far there is no indication that the charger chip is damaged.

- Is the RTC battery good and connected to the board?
- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 3 of diode D6002.
Diode D6002 pinout:

#8 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da LukaszBsKrakow 12 settembre 2024, 11:35
RTC battery is not included on this motherboard.

I cannot find the D6002 diode on the board.

I don't have boardview.

When Swi1 is pressed, 3.2V appears on pin 3 of the battery connector

#9 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da matic 12 settembre 2024, 12:09
Remeasure the voltages to ground on all pins of battery connector with the power supply + battery connected.

#10 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da LukaszBsKrakow 12 settembre 2024, 14:15
n.1 8,4 V
n.2 8,4V
n.3 0V
n.4 0,03V
n.5 3V
n.6 3,2V
n. 7-8 GND

#11 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da matic 13 settembre 2024, 08:14
LukaszBsKrakow ha scritto:When Swi1 is pressed, 3.2V appears on pin 3 of the battery connector
LukaszBsKrakow ha scritto:n.3 0V
Are you kidding? How many times do I've to tell you that the battery simply doesn't work without the switch SW1 pressed? Is it so hard to bridge the switch SW1 with a jump wire? :wtf:
matic ha scritto:This switch should be pressed all the time, otherwise the battery will not work. You can bridge it with a jump wire for testing purpose.

#12 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da LukaszBsKrakow 14 settembre 2024, 20:59
Sorry, I misunderstood the translation.

After bridging SW1, with the power supply and battery connected, the voltage on n.3 is now 1V and drops slowly, the rest of the measurements remain unchanged.


#13 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da matic 17 settembre 2024, 07:32
LukaszBsKrakow ha scritto:EDIT:
[ Obrazek ]
What mess is this?

Please, follow the following procedure:
1) Remove this red wire.
2) Plug the battery to the board.
3) Solder a jump wire as marked in red in the following picture.
4) Plug the power supply to the board.
5) Remeasure the voltages to ground on all pins of battery connector.

#14 Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da LukaszBsKrakow 19 settembre 2024, 12:06
Pomiar złącza baterii: bateria wpięta+ zasilacz
N.1-2 8,4V
n.3 3,2V
n.4 0,03V
n.5 3,01V
n.6 3,3V

Re: Acer Aspire S7-391-73541G Storm 12223-1 Nie ładuję oraz nie wykrywa baterii.

da Google Adsense [BOT] 19 settembre 2024, 12:06
Questo argomento è contrassegnato come D'ARCHIVIO. Rispondi solo se il tuo messaggio contiene la soluzione (Termini e Condizioni p. 12.1).

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