• Apple iMac 27'' lines in the picture/no video; reball or replace the GPU?

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#1 Apple iMac 27'' lines in the picture/no video; reball or replace the GPU?

matic 20 Грудня 2018, 22:12
Brand: Apple
Model: iMac 27'', Late 2009
Graphic card: AMD 109-C29657-10, GPU: 216-0811000


The customer sent me the mentioned graphic card, which sometimes display vertical lines in the picture, sometimes there is no video at all.

Is it enough to reball the GPU chip, or it should be replaced with the new one for the permanent repair?


Re: Apple iMac 27'' lines in the picture/no video; reball or replace the GPU?

Google Adsense [BOT] 20 Грудня 2018, 22:12

#2 Re: Apple iMac 27'' lines in the picture/no video; reball or replace the GPU?  [РІШЕНО]

Vogelek23 20 Грудня 2018, 22:40
matic написав:Is it enough to reball the GPU chip, or it should be replaced with the new one for the permanent repair?
It must be replaced for the permanent repair. Reballing lasts temporarily (an average of 5 months for your chipset). But some small percentage of chipsets last incredibly long after reballing, even above 12 months.

matic написав:Late 2009 (...) GPU: 216-0811000
It seems someone has upgraded a graphics card - Radeon HD 6970M was factory installed on 2011 iMacs only.

#3 Re: Apple iMac 27'' lines in the picture/no video; reball or replace the GPU?

matic 31 Грудня 2018, 19:30
Łukasz, thank you very much for all your help!

Re: Apple iMac 27'' lines in the picture/no video; reball or replace the GPU?

Google Adsense [BOT] 31 Грудня 2018, 19:30

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