• Asus ROG Strix G513-6050A3249301- MB-A04 (A4) damaged Embedded Controller

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#1 Asus ROG Strix G513-6050A3249301- MB-A04 (A4) damaged Embedded Controller

da master3112 5 novembre 2024, 01:06
I have an Asus ROG Strix- G513IH mainboard G513-6050A3249301-MB-A04 (A4)
The mainboard had an error on the 3V3 rail and a defective embedded controller U301 (IT5571E-128). I fixed the short circuit and also replaced the embedded controller. Now I have a problem with the 3V3 rail. It is not switched.
I have examined the 3V3 and 5V circuits.
The board has a Power Management Controller U8003 (ITE8252E248A) and an Embedded Controller U301 (IT5571E-128). The Embedded Controller is powered by U6100 (RT6575B) via the 3V3 Linear Regulator Output-PIN3. 3V3 are present on the EC.
The RT6575B switches:
1. MOSFETs for the 5V rail on PIN16-UGATE1 the Q6150 and PIN15-LGATE1 the Q6151. 5V are present and always on.
2. MOSFETs for the 3V3 rail on PIN10-UGATE2 the Q6100 and PIN11-LGATE2 the Q6101. However, 3V3 are NOT present. The 3V3 output is activated on PIN6 of the RT6575B. PIN6 of the RT6575B is on PIN84 (ALWAYS_PW_EN3V) of the U301 (IT5571E-128). However, the 3V3 output is not activated by the Embedded Controller.
Does the Embedded Controller need to be programmed? Where can I get a file to program it? I have a SVOD Programmer, but the IT5571E-128 cannot be programmed via the Keyboard-Connector. Only the Power Controller ITE8252E248A (U8003) can be programmed via this.

I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance!

Re: Asus ROG Strix G513-6050A3249301- MB-A04 (A4) damaged Embedded Controller

da Google Adsense [BOT] 5 novembre 2024, 01:06

#2 Re: Asus ROG Strix G513-6050A3249301- MB-A04 (A4) damaged Embedded Controller

da mohammedsf 8 novembre 2024, 09:54
of course it should be programmed, you can program it using zif socket or by directly soldering the wires to the chip, or you can solder your chip on another board that has the same chip series and could be programmed through the kb connector, flash it there and move it back to your board..

Re: Asus ROG Strix G513-6050A3249301- MB-A04 (A4) damaged Embedded Controller

da Google Adsense [BOT] 8 novembre 2024, 09:54

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