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Re: Bezpiecznik SMD - prośba o identyfikację elementu
von Google Adsense [BOT] • 9 April 2024, 10:33
This component is actually a PTC self-resettable fuse.
In the event of an over-current condition it heats up and consequently its resistance increases and thus limits the current. When the current drops and its temperature decreases, the fuse is back in operation.
This fuse may fail if it's activated for very long time, or if a very high current overload occurs.
The marking 260 means 2.6A.
You can use any PTC type fuse with the same current rating.
Datasheet attached.
This component is actually a PTC self-resettable fuse.
In the event of an over-current condition it heats up and consequently its resistance increases and thus limits the current. When the current drops and its temperature decreases, the fuse is back in operation.
This fuse may fail if it's activated for very long time, or if a very high current overload occurs.
The marking 260 means 2.6A.
You can use any PTC type fuse with the same current rating.
Datasheet attached.
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#5 Re: Bezpiecznik SMD - prośba o identyfikację elementu [GELÖST]
von Vogelek23 • 9 April 2024, 17:08
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Re: Bezpiecznik SMD - prośba o identyfikację elementu
von Google Adsense [BOT] • 23 April 2024, 12:17
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