The customer tried to replace the battery himself and physically damaged some components during the disassembly process.
Please, identify the components C1, C4 and L1. I'm not sure that L1 is really a coil, but according to the connection I think it should be.
PCB marking code: 73372447-C
The customer's board with the components labeled:

I drew a schematic of this part of the circuit:

- As already mentioned, I'm not sure that L1 is really a coil.
- I measured the value of capacitor C3 and it's value is somewhere between 1 and 2pF. I don't have a suitable meter to measure such a low values, therefore the given value may not be completely accurate.
The picture of the same board from the web (source: "www.abkeys.com"):

Based on the connection and colour of capacitor C1, I conclude that it's value is probably 100nF, but I have no idea about the values of C4 and L1. Please, help me to determine their values.
The customer tried to replace the battery himself and physically damaged some components during the disassembly process.
Please, identify the components C1, C4 and L1. I'm not sure that L1 is really a coil, but according to the connection I think it should be.
PCB marking code: 73372447-C
The customer's board with the components labeled:

I drew a schematic of this part of the circuit:

- As already mentioned, I'm not sure that L1 is really a coil.
- I measured the value of capacitor C3 and it's value is somewhere between 1 and 2pF. I don't have a suitable meter to measure such a low values, therefore the given value may not be completely accurate.
The picture of the same board from the web (source: "www.abkeys.com"):

Based on the connection and colour of capacitor C1, I conclude that it's value is probably 100nF, but I have no idea about the values of C4 and L1. Please, help me to determine their values.