• CPU power supply controller MP2949A programming with MPS EVKT-USBI2C-02

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#1 CPU power supply controller MP2949A programming with MPS EVKT-USBI2C-02

von matic 2 Januar 2025, 18:18
Model: Asus UX461U
Motherboard: ASUSTeK UX461UN, Rev.: 2.1

CPU power supply controller chip PU8001: MP2949A


I want to read a dump from the CPU power supply controller chip located on the mentioned motherboard using the MPS EVKT-USBI2C-02 interface. The motherboard is fully functional.

I downloaded the "GUI tool" from the link in this post and installed it, but when I click on the "Scan" button, it throws me the message "MCU Code: Unknown!".
I connected the SCL and SDA pins of the EVKT-USBI2C-02 interface to pins 27 and 28 of the MP2949A chip. I also connected the ground between the interface and the motherboard and pressed the "Scan" button when the laptop was turned on to the BIOS screen.

The EVKT-USBI2C-02 interface is detected by the "GUI tool", but I get the same message if nothing is connected to the SCL and SDA pins of the EVKT-USBI2C-02 interface.

Any idea where the problem could be?

Re: CPU power supply controller MP2949A programming with MPS EVKT-USBI2C-02

von Google Adsense [BOT] 2 Januar 2025, 18:18

#2 Re: CPU power supply controller MP2949A programming with MPS EVKT-USBI2C-02

von matic 2 Januar 2025, 20:30
I found the problem myself.
matic hat geschrieben:I connected the SCL and SDA pins of the EVKT-USBI2C-02 interface to pins 27 and 28 of the MP2949A chip.
I connected the EVKT-USBI2C-02 interface to the SVID BUS instead to the PM MUS... :oops: :frustry:
The correct pins are 32 and 33 of course. Everything works now.
Bild Bild

Re: CPU power supply controller MP2949A programming with MPS EVKT-USBI2C-02

von Google Adsense [BOT] 2 Januar 2025, 20:30

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