• Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

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#1 Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

siddiq 9 Червня 2024, 13:05
Hello everyone, the client said the laptop was performing updates and after, that happened. The laptop behavior is as follows:

1. When the laptop is powered on or auto powered from a power reset, the dell logo shows for a second and the screen goes blank, but the backlight stays on. This happens whether memory is installed or removed. It stays like this for a considerable time and then it repeats.

2. All the voltages rise for that one second that the logo comes on but after, all voltages drop, with the exception of PCH voltages 1.05v, 1.8v, and 3.3v, and heat from the PCH is considerably low.

3.There is oscillation on the 24Khz for the PCH but not on the 24Mhz. There is also oscillation on the EC controller EC5107 crystal.

4. The battery charges and current draw from charger when laptop is powered without battery installed is hovering between 512mA and 517mA.

5. ME Analyzer showed errors in the bios backup, and I repaired and reflashed and also tried different files online but still no change in behavior.

I'm at a loss now as to whether it's a hardware or still a firmware issue. Any help in the right direction will be appreciated.

Re: Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

Google Adsense [BOT] 9 Червня 2024, 13:05

#2 Re: Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

richcq 10 Червня 2024, 05:47
I think it's a hardware failure, perhaps the bridge.

#3 Re: Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

matic 10 Червня 2024, 07:57

Have you reflashed the BIOS chip with a cleaned ME-region?

#4 Re: Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

siddiq 10 Червня 2024, 09:27
Hello, yes, I have cleaned the original firmware and reflashed and have also tried different firmware online and have even replaced the bios region with same firmware version from the dell website... all to no avail. Laptop behaves the same.

#5 Re: Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

Vogelek23 10 Червня 2024, 10:19
Go back to the original firmware (with cleaned ME) and try entering BIOS setup by pressing F2 during computer starting up. Can you enter into BIOS setup at all?

#6 Re: Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

siddiq 10 Червня 2024, 10:54
I have cleaned the original firmware and reflashed but still same behavior... the logo shows for a second and screen goes blank, but backlight stays on. I have to hold the power button for like 25secs before the screen goes off. The moment I release the power button the laptop powers back on and same process repeats ... and the PCH barely heats up. Also, I read the bios flash after reprogramming and powering on the laptop and comparison doesn't show much change and ME still remain configured, not initialized ...

#7 Re: Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

Vogelek23 10 Червня 2024, 11:45
The above is not the answer for my question in post #5...

#8 Re: Dell XPS 17 9700 (Stradale CMLH MB 18835-1) logo shows for one second and goes off

siddiq 10 Червня 2024, 11:51
Vogelek23 написав:Go back to the original firmware (with cleaned ME) and try entering BIOS setup by pressing F2 during computer starting up. Can you enter into BIOS setup at all?

I've reflashed the original firmware with clean ME, still same and I cannot enter into the BIOS setup.

Ця тема позначена як АРХІВНИЙ. Відповідайте лише в тому випадку, якщо ваша відповідь містить рішення проблеми (Правила Форуму, п. 12.1).

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