• Excellent way to remove SMD components

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#1 Excellent way to remove SMD components  [ROZWIĄZANY]

przez ablacon64 30 maja 2011, 17:11
Of all techniques I've seen so far, I think this is the best, if a colleague would like to contribute with other ideas, you're welcome.

Using a pre-heater, it is possible to remove any SMD component (not BGA), no matter the size, without the risk of damaging the board, since the temperature will not pass 150°C.

150ºC? Hard to believe? Well...

1. - Get a hot air pre-heater, like this:

2. - Preheat the motherboard, when it reaches between 130 and 140°C, apply resin flux on all IC terminals. Use the flux of your choice (image only for illustration):

3. - Allow the board to reach 150ºC and place low melt solder on all IC terminals:

4. - Wait a few seconds, stir with a tweezers, it will be desoldered. Clean up the board normally, do not leave any residues.

Chip removed with only 150ºC! No risk of damaging other components or bending the plate. This tip goes for any SMD component, not only ICs, but also capacitors, resistors, connectors, memory slots, PCI-e connectors, keyboard connectors, etc.

Give it a try, you won't regret. You'll be able to remove and resolder a memory slot without damaging the plastic, without using an infrared station.

Re: Excellent way to remove SMD components  [ROZWIĄZANY]

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 30 maja 2011, 17:11

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