• How to clear BIOS "Diagnostic Log"

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#1 How to clear BIOS "Diagnostic Log"

matic 3 Вересня 2019, 18:37

I repaired a Hp Pavilion dv6-6b22sm laptop and now there are few errors in a BIOS "Diagnostic Log".
Is there a way to clear the "Diagnostic Log"?
Laptop works without any problems, but I want to clear it anyway.

I tried to load the BIOS to "Setup Defaults" and reset the RTC, but it does not clear the "Diagnostic Log".


Re: How to clear BIOS "Diagnostic Log"

Google Adsense [BOT] 3 Вересня 2019, 18:37

#2 Re: How to clear BIOS "Diagnostic Log"

Vogelek23 3 Вересня 2019, 20:55
Did you try to reflash BIOS with a working one?

#3 Re: How to clear BIOS "Diagnostic Log"

matic 3 Вересня 2019, 21:41
Vogelek23 написав:Did you try to reflash BIOS with a working one?
No, I didn't, because the laptop works ok with original BIOS.

I believe that reflashing the BIOS with another dump would help, but I'm looking for an option without disassembly the laptop, because it is already assembled together.
Is there any other option without disassembling the laptop?

#4 Re: How to clear BIOS "Diagnostic Log"  [РІШЕНО]

marcinmarcin 4 Вересня 2019, 08:18
Cytat ze strony HP: " I would like to inform you that there are no options to clear the system logs in bios. However, you can update the bios (If available) and it will clear the system logs." ( https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook- ... -p/5883101 ).
Warto spróbować.

#5 Re: How to clear BIOS "Diagnostic Log"

matic 5 Вересня 2019, 09:08
After updating the BIOS under Windows the BIOS "Diagnostic Log" is clear.

@marcinmarcin thank you very much for your help!

Re: How to clear BIOS "Diagnostic Log"

Google Adsense [BOT] 5 Вересня 2019, 09:08

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