• How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS dump

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#1 How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS dump

matic 11 Серпня 2018, 12:00

As the title says I'm wondering how to find the location (address) of the laptop Serial number and Windows 8 key number in the BIOS dump.

I found the topic on the following link, but I didn't find the exact answer.

Re: How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS dump

Google Adsense [BOT] 11 Серпня 2018, 12:00

#2 Re: How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS d

xamledyD 11 Серпня 2018, 17:00

Could you tell us more about a laptop (model, brand etc.), that you want to search for a SN and WK in its BIOS dump?
As you see in linked topic, the location of WK and SN depends of laptop model. I'm using HxD software for editing BIOS dumps and searching for various data. When you open BIOS dump in HxD, on left side of the window you can see address in HEX format (Offset(h) - this is address of your value). If you want search for text value, like "MSFT" for example, you use Search and Data type set to Text (or similar, I have a polish version of this software, so descriptions may not be exactly the same like in this message). When you want search for Hex value, you choose Data type as Hex values.
When you click with left mouse button on any character, in left down corner of HxD's window you can see address of clicked value (Offset: <address in hex>).
If you want more information, feel free to asking.

(Sorry for my poor english. ;))

#3 Re: How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS d

matic 11 Серпня 2018, 18:43
xamledyD написав:Could you tell us more about a laptop (model, brand etc.), that you want to search for a SN and WK in its BIOS dump?
Yes, of course.

Laptop: Lenovo Yoga 3 14
Model name: 80JH
Platform: Compal NM-A381, Rev.: 1.0, UMA version.

BIOS dump size: 64Mbit = 8MB

xamledyD написав:When you open BIOS dump in HxD, on left side of the window you can see address in HEX format (Offset(h) - this is address of your value). If you want search for text value, like "MSFT" for example, you use Search and Data type set to Text (or similar, I have a polish version of this software, so descriptions may not be exactly the same like in this message). When you want search for Hex value, you choose Data type as Hex values.
When you click with left mouse button on any character, in left down corner of HxD's window you can see address of clicked value (Offset: <address in hex>).

I know all this.
I want to know, how to locate the machine serial number (and windows 8 key number) in BIOS dump.

For example, if I open the BIOS dump file with "HxD" and I search for a serial number (read from the machine label) it is nothing find.

Thanks for reply!

#4 Re: How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS d  [РІШЕНО]

xamledyD 11 Серпня 2018, 19:09
Maybe both keys are encrypted - some Lenovo laptops have this "feature". Have you tried this solution? post187402.html#p187402

#5 Re: How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS d

matic 11 Серпня 2018, 19:27
xamledyD написав:Maybe both keys are encrypted - some Lenovo laptops have this "feature". Have you tried this solution? post187402.html#p187402
You are right!
It seems that it is encrypted in my case. I found "LENV" string in my BIOS dump.

Do you know, if there are located both ("serial number" and "Windows 8 key number") in this encrypted area?

#6 Re: How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS d

xamledyD 11 Серпня 2018, 19:46
According to linked solution, that encrypted area contains both Windows key and serial number.

#7 Re: How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS d

drill 13 Серпня 2018, 13:51
In my case in Model: Lenovo G50-70
Compal ACLU1/ACLU2 UMA NM-A272

Win-key and DMI data was like that:
beginning offset: 6A0000
length: 2000
end offset: 6A1FFF

#8 Re: How to find the location of "Serial number" and "Windows 8 key number" in BIOS d

matic 25 Серпня 2018, 10:31
In my case it was located at address #56C000.
Length: 2000

After transplanting this area from old to the new BIOS everything works properly.

"Help" goes to @xamledyD.
Thank you very much for your help!

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