#1 [WSAD BIOS] Hp EliteBook 840 G6, MB: Inventec Crescent 6050A3022501-MB-A01(A1)
przez matic • 17 czerwca 2022, 17:15
Marka i model: Hp EliteBook 840 G6
Platforma: Inventec CRESCENT-6050A3022501-MB-A01(A1)
APU: Intel Core i5-8365U (SRF9Z)
EC/KBC: Nuvoton NPCX797HA1BX
BIOS IC U367: Macronix MX25L25673GZ41-08G (256Mbit = 32MB)
Uwagi1: It is usually need to transfer the ME-region from old to the new BIOS, otherwise there is no picture on the screen, or it occurs with a delay. The ME-region is located at address 0x4000, length 0x7BA000.
Uwagi2: Serial number is replaced with "SSSSSSSSSS". It is located at three locations of the BIOS: 0x71CBD, 0x71D81 and 0x1237D5.
Uwagi3: Windows key is replaced with "WWWWW-WWWWW-WWWWW-WWWWW-WWWWW". It is located at address 0x18FCE3E.
Marka i model: Hp EliteBook 840 G6
Platforma: Inventec CRESCENT-6050A3022501-MB-A01(A1)
APU: Intel Core i5-8365U (SRF9Z)
EC/KBC: Nuvoton NPCX797HA1BX
BIOS IC U367: Macronix MX25L25673GZ41-08G (256Mbit = 32MB)
Uwagi1: It is usually need to transfer the ME-region from old to the new BIOS, otherwise there is no picture on the screen, or it occurs with a delay. The ME-region is located at address 0x4000, length 0x7BA000.
Uwagi2: Serial number is replaced with "SSSSSSSSSS". It is located at three locations of the BIOS: 0x71CBD, 0x71D81 and 0x1237D5.
Uwagi3: Windows key is replaced with "WWWWW-WWWWW-WWWWW-WWWWW-WWWWW". It is located at address 0x18FCE3E.