• HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

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#21 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V or 5V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 25 kwietnia 2018, 14:43
sorry for the delay sir. i remove PU4501 and check resistance to ground of pin 2 and it is same as before 93.8 Ω.

i think there is a short somewhere, but it hard to see with out schematic.

PL4501 now gets 1.4V, with adapter plugged in. but adapter LED goes off soon as you plug in.

Re: Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V or 5V IC hot

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 25 kwietnia 2018, 14:43

#22 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez matic 25 kwietnia 2018, 19:09
CharlieZee napisał(a):PL4501 now gets 1.4V, with adapter plugged in. but adapter LED goes off soon as you plug in.

That is strange... On PL4501 should be 0V, the LED on the power supply should not goes off.
Check if you have accidentally made a short circuit with the solder residue on the PU4501 pads.
Repeat this measurement without PU4501.
matic napisał(a):Measure the resistance to ground on highlighted capacitor near PU4501.

#23 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 26 kwietnia 2018, 08:43
here are measurements without PU4501, they appear to be the same with or without PU4501.


I dont know if it is linked to the problem but the highlighted coil in below picture (PL5001) and all the highlighted capacitors are all shorted to ground.


#24 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez matic 27 kwietnia 2018, 10:42
I dont know if it is linked to the problem but the highlighted coil in below picture (PL5001) and all the highlighted capacitors are all shorted to ground.
What is the actual resistance to ground on the PL5001?

Does the LED on the power adapter still goes off, when you connect it to the motherboard?

#25 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 27 kwietnia 2018, 13:10
resistance to ground on PL5001 is 00.1Ω both sides.

Correct yes. when i plug the adapter into the DC jack harness, the light is on for about 1 second, then goes off.

#26 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez matic 27 kwietnia 2018, 16:44
Remove PL5001 and check which pad is shorted to ground. Perform a short circuit test on shorted pad.

#27 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 28 kwietnia 2018, 08:53
ok i will remove PL5001.

do you have advice or tips on removing coils?

#28 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez matic 28 kwietnia 2018, 10:33
CharlieZee napisał(a):do you have advice or tips on removing coils?
I resolder both pins with leaded solder first, then remove it with hot air.

If you have never done this before I suggest you to try on old scrap board first.

#29 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 28 kwietnia 2018, 10:37
ok thanks, i have removed one or two before, but it wasn't the cleanest job.

#30 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 29 kwietnia 2018, 19:52
i removed on side of PL5001 and the short is on the output side.

i inject 1V with power supply to the shorted pad and Voltage drop to 0.6V and current pull 1.45a but i cant feel anything hot, i try for 5 minutes. and feel both sides of the board but nothing is hot.

#31 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez matic 29 kwietnia 2018, 21:25
Set the voltage limit to 0.9V and increase the current to approx. 2A.

#32 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 1 maja 2018, 13:48
I turned the current up to 2.24A but i still cant find any component getting hot.

I thought from what i have read that if there are signs of a short, and the current is being pulled from the power supply that something will have to get hot if 2.24A is going through something. Strange?

#33 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez matic 1 maja 2018, 15:27
Have you used enough thick cables for a short circuit test? I would use at least 1mm^2 or more.

Measure the voltage at 2.2A on the end of wires (directly on the motherboard). Measure it, do not read the voltage from the power supply.

#34 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 2 maja 2018, 12:38
thank you for your time on this.

Im using the cables that were included with the power supply, the model is QW-MS305D


I inject 0.9V to the pad and the voltage drop to 0.6V and current is at 2.2A. When i measure voltage at the point where i inject voltage it is 130 mV. I also measure some capacitors on the same rail and they are about the same mV.

I am a beginner at this really, although i have successfully located a short on another board and fixed it using the same method and power supply.

#35 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez Vogelek23 2 maja 2018, 12:56
I inject 0.9V to the pad and the voltage drop to 0.6V and current is at 2.2A. When i measure voltage at the point where i inject voltage it is 130 mV.
It means your cables are too poor quality to make a short test. You need thicker cables. Also, you need to increase the current injected to the circuit (you may need to set it to a maximum of 5A) and then seek for hot component.

#36 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez CharlieZee 3 maja 2018, 08:38
Thank you all for your advice.

Do you have a specification for some good cables to use?

I will try again and turn the Amps up higher.

#37 Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez matic 3 maja 2018, 10:04
Do you have a specification for some good cables to use?
Go to your local electrical installation material store. Buy a standard flexible (knitted) wire 1mm^2. It is not expensive.

It would be the best, if you also buy a standard 4mm banana plugs for connecting the wires to your power supply.

Re: HP Pavilion x360 11-K - 3.3V IC hot

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 3 maja 2018, 10:04

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