#1 INTEL NUC BOXNUC8I3BEH - shot circuit in almost all capacitors
przez rodrigok • 24 stycznia 2023, 15:43
Hi friends, today i have a BOXNUC8I3BEH to repair. Fisrt, looking this forum, i found a CI (SM3303) in short circuit, i was replace this and problem with power suply gone, but now i know other CI with problem caused inicial problem with SM3303. In this case almost all capacitors are in shot circuit in negative point, with positive point. see picture below

square with red line are in short circuit, in blue looks good
i can't found boardview to check cirtuit lines.
Thanks for all help.

square with red line are in short circuit, in blue looks good
i can't found boardview to check cirtuit lines.
Thanks for all help.