• Interesting tool I've bought - gas soldering 6 in 1

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#1 Interesting tool I've bought - gas soldering 6 in 1

przez ablacon64 4 czerwca 2011, 05:24
I always wanted a portable tool to make simple jobs easier, something I could take everywhere and perform some basic soldering. A friend of mine showed me this Dremel, called Versatip, very interesting tool, that I want to share with you.

It's capable of reaching high temperatures very fast, works on butane gas, cordless. Of course it will never replace a good hot air workstation but it's very useful when you need to do something away from your workbench.

The only drawback is the smell, I tried it in a very bad ventilated room and the smell was terrible, but I was told that's because o a catalizer on the tip, the smell will go away with the use. As the manual points, it should be used in a open or well ventilated place.

I was able to remove most components of a scrap notebook motherboard for testing, very versatile.

It's a 6 in 1 tool. Below a list of photos (click to enlarge).

The complete kit (the rule is there so you can have an idea of the size):

The box (very beautiful, by the way):

The soldering iron with the protection tip:

Without tips, it's like a mini-torch, goes up to 1200ºC (I forgot to take that picture, you can see it in the dark, showing the flame):

The soldering tip (reaches up to 680ºC - it takes only 20 seconds to heat):

Hot air tip (goes up to 550ºC - instantaneous):

Knife tip (not for soldering but for cutting - reaches 680ºC - 20 seconds to heat up):

Reflector tip for hot air (550ºC - instantaneous):

Hot knife, to use as pyrography (up to 680ºC - it takes some more time to heat up than the iron tip):

Wide hot blower (up to 550ºC - instantaneous):

I bought this tool in Brazil, but have seen it only in Dremel Europe. Dremel US does not have that same model.

Re: Interesting tool I've bought - gas soldering 6 in 1

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 4 czerwca 2011, 05:24
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