• Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

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#1 Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da arjuredi 30 gennaio 2024, 13:55
Oznaczenia z płyty:GY55M, N, T, Q, R, S, W, V, NM-D281 REV: 1.0. Laptop podczas pracy został zrzucony na podłogę, zbita matryca, przestał się włączać. Pobór prądu po podaniu napięcia wynosi 0,15A, brak reakcji na włącznik. Bios przeprogramowałem 2 wsadami, bez zmian, upaleń na płycie nie ma, nic się nie grzeje. Poniżej podaję napięcia i rezystancję na cewkach i proszę o dalsze wskazówki:
PL2002 - 5,14V; 13,5kΩ
PL2001 - 3,4V; 5,7Ω
PL2701 - 0V; 88Ω
PL5105 - 0V; 0Ω
PL7701 - 5,14V; 14kΩ
PL5101 - 0,01V; 0,7Ω
PL5102 - 0,01V; 0,7Ω
PL5103 - 0,01V; 0,7Ω
PL5104 - 0,01V; 0,7Ω
PL2301 - 0V; 12Ω
PL8202 - 0V; 66Ω
PL8201 - 0V; 66Ω
PL7504 - 0V; 0,2Ω
PL7503 - 0V; 0,2Ω
PL7502 - 0V; 0,2Ω
PL7501 - 0V; 0,2Ω
PL1401 - 0V; 0Ω
PL101 - 0,23V; 4,5MΩ
PL1301 - 0V; 0Ω.

Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da Google Adsense [BOT] 30 gennaio 2024, 13:55

#2 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da matic 31 gennaio 2024, 15:51
arjuredi ha scritto:PL5105 - 0V;
PL1401 - 0V;
PL1301 - 0V;
Are you sure there are dead shorts to ground on those three coils?
Did you measure the resistances with all power sources disconnected from the board?

#3 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da arjuredi 1 febbraio 2024, 11:08
Yes, exactly. I changed the batteries in the meter and it comes out the same. After connecting the probes, I have a resistance of 0.001Ω and when measuring on the coils, I also have 0.001Ω. I called the customer yesterday and he said that before he brought the laptop, they connected 2 displays, but he doesn't remember which ones.

#4 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da matic 1 febbraio 2024, 11:51
Remove the coil PL1301 from the board and check on which side of this coil is a short circuit to ground. If the short circuit is present on the system side (power rail "+1.8VALW"), perform a short circuit test described here. For a short circuit test limit the voltage to 1.8V.

#5 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da arjuredi 20 febbraio 2024, 13:41
After the short-circuit test, UC1 is finally heated up.

#6 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da matic 20 febbraio 2024, 14:32
So the APU processor is unfortunately damaged and needs to be replaced.
First remove the APU from the board and remeasure the resistances to ground on coils PL1301, PL1401, PL5105.

#7 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da arjuredi 21 febbraio 2024, 14:32
Do you know the factory markings on this chip, because there is nothing stamped on the core and I don't know exactly what to look for?

#8 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da matic 22 febbraio 2024, 08:51
The core of these chips is originally unmarked. The markings are printed on the metal edge of the chip.
The exact marking of the chip is 100-000000100 (It's an AMD Ryzen R5-4600H).

#9 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da arjuredi 27 maggio 2024, 15:31
PL1301 - 34kΩ
PL1401 - 1,88MΩ
PL5105 - 5MΩ

#10 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da matic 27 maggio 2024, 18:21
The resistances seems fine. Solder a functional APU to the board.

#11 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da arjuredi 10 giugno 2024, 12:40
Markings 100-000000100 means Ryzen 5 R5-4600H?

#12 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da matic 10 giugno 2024, 14:45
Yes, exactly.

#13 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da arjuredi 4 luglio 2024, 14:06
I have solder a new APU and now I have these resistance:
PL1301 - 4,28 kΩ
PL1401 - 30 Ω
PL5105 - 6,6 Ω
I have no reaction on power button.

#14 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da matic 8 luglio 2024, 11:27
Remeasure the resistances to ground on all coils.

#15 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da arjuredi 11 luglio 2024, 16:50
PL2002 - 5,13V; 13,7kΩ
PL2001 - 3,4V; 3,7kΩ
PL2701 - 0V; 146Ω
PL5105 - 0V; 5,5Ω
PL7701 - 5,13V; 14kΩ
PL5101 - 0V; 2,4Ω
PL5102 - 0V; 2,4Ω
PL5103 - 0V; 2,4Ω
PL5104 - 0V; 2,4Ω
PL2301 - 0V; 10Ω
PL8202 - 0V; 60Ω
PL8201 - 0V; 60Ω
PL7504 - 0V; 0,5Ω
PL7503 - 0V; 0,5Ω
PL7502 - 0V; 0,5Ω
PL7501 - 0V; 0,5Ω
PL1401 - 0V; 26Ω
PL101 - 0,23V; 4,5MΩ
PL1301 - 1,8V; 4,2kΩ.

#16 Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da matic 15 luglio 2024, 14:22
- Measure the voltages to ground on both pins of quartz YC1. It's best to measure it with an oscilloscope. If you don't have it, measure with a multimeter.
- Measure the voltage to ground on pin 90 of KBC chip.

Re: Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H - zbita matryca, brak reakcji na włącznik

da Google Adsense [BOT] 15 luglio 2024, 14:22
Questo argomento è contrassegnato come D'ARCHIVIO. Rispondi solo se il tuo messaggio contiene la soluzione (Termini e Condizioni p. 12.1).

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