#1 [WSAD BIOS] Lenovo ThinkPad T480, MB: LCFC NM-B501, Rev: 1.0, BIOS + EC/KBC
przez matic • 27 października 2022, 09:49
Marka i model: Lenovo ThinkPad T480
Platforma (z rewizją płyty): LCFC ET480, NM-B501, Rev: 1.0
APU: Intel Core i5-8350U (SR3L9)
GPU: Nvidia GeForce MX150 (N17S-G1-A1)
EC/KBC1: Lenovo BD4178 A
EC/KBC2: Lenovo MEC1653-BA1 (256kB = 2Mbit)
BIOS IC U49: Winbond W25Q128JVSQ (128Mbit = 16MB)
Uwagi: It is usually need to transfer the ME-region from old to the new BIOS, otherwise there is no picture on the screen, or it occurs with a delay. The ME-region is located at address "3000", length "603000".
Marka i model: Lenovo ThinkPad T480
Platforma (z rewizją płyty): LCFC ET480, NM-B501, Rev: 1.0
APU: Intel Core i5-8350U (SR3L9)
GPU: Nvidia GeForce MX150 (N17S-G1-A1)
EC/KBC1: Lenovo BD4178 A
EC/KBC2: Lenovo MEC1653-BA1 (256kB = 2Mbit)
BIOS IC U49: Winbond W25Q128JVSQ (128Mbit = 16MB)
Uwagi: It is usually need to transfer the ME-region from old to the new BIOS, otherwise there is no picture on the screen, or it occurs with a delay. The ME-region is located at address "3000", length "603000".