• Li-Ion battery charger SO-8 transistor identification

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#1 Li-Ion battery charger SO-8 transistor identification

Napisal/-a matic 10 Junij 2024, 21:52

Please, identify the burned SO-8 transistor in the following picture. It's probably a dual MOS-FET transistor.
It's located in Lidl Florabest FLG 20 A2 Li-Ion battery charger.
Slika Slika

Re: Li-Ion battery charger SO-8 transistor identification

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 10 Junij 2024, 21:52

#2 Re: Li-Ion battery charger SO-8 transistor identification  [REŠENO]

Napisal/-a Vogelek23 11 Junij 2024, 00:09
Please confirm whether the pins 2 and 4 are connected together. If so, it is a dual P-Channel MOSFET (see the gates connected to the drain of Q5, whose source is connected to "cold" ground), connected in an "input-protection" mode, which is quite common to older laptops using P-MOSFETs at AC input side (see picture below). You can replace it directly with SP8J66FRATB, DMP3036SSD, FDS6975, AO4815 and many more. Unfortunately, marking does not say too much.

#3 Re: Li-Ion battery charger SO-8 transistor identification

Napisal/-a matic 10 Julij 2024, 15:01
Vogelek23 napisal/-a:Please confirm whether the pins 2 and 4 are connected together.
Yes, exactly. I confirm.

Burned transistor replaced with DMP3036SSD.
By the way, one of the rectifier diodes (SR5200) and LDO regulator IC2 (78L05) was also damaged.

After replacing the listed components, the charger works correctly.

Thank you very much, Lucas!

Re: Li-Ion battery charger SO-8 transistor identification

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 10 Julij 2024, 15:01

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