• monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

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#1 monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez eletmoraes 22 maja 2017, 22:53
voltage 12 and 5v --> OK
voltage 3.3v --> OK
Voltage on pin 3 of the UC601 (APE8839) of 5v when it should be 1.8v , located on the video card

Was rewritten the flash memory 25x20 without success. There is another memory located near the connector that goes to the front panel insert that I can not find the firmware to try to re-record. This memory is a 25C02 .
You would have to find the two firmware of this monitor to try to record these two memories.

Re: monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 22 maja 2017, 22:53

#2 Re: monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez matic 23 maja 2017, 20:47

If the voltage on pin 3 of APE8839 is 5V that chip is probably burned. Yes, it should be 1.8V.
It is bad all other chips on 1.8V power supply line for sure.

#3 Re: monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez eletmoraes 24 maja 2017, 00:45
Hello, how are you . Before , measured the voltage on pin 3 of the APE8839mp and was supplying 5v, now after removing this component and testing it out and seeing that it is good I ended up soldering the APE8839mp on the video card. When I turned on the monitor, I measured the voltage on the same pin 3 of the APE8839, to my surprise the measured voltage was 1.8V.
Seeing that the basic and main voltages are correct the monitor still does not turn on.

It may be that have some cold solder in this integrated supplying this wrong voltage. What is important now is that the voltages in this component are correct.

#4 Re: monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez matic 25 maja 2017, 19:00
If you get 3.3V on pin one, and 1.8V on pin three of APE8839 this chip is good.

Measure the voltage on power button.

#5 Re: monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez eletmoraes 26 maja 2017, 13:46
Sorry friend, this monitor has no on-off button and yes touch, it connects with a finger touch.

#6 Re: monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez eletmoraes 11 lipca 2017, 14:01
I was analyzing the video card better and compared to the monitor scheme, I found two smd resistors that
, Whether it exists or not. It would be the resistor R744 and R745 that on the board they do not contain them and, in the schematic, it is written as "Ready".

R744 ->? Does he exist or not?
R745 ->? Does he exist or not?

#7 Re: monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez eletmoraes 12 października 2017, 15:30
As the monitor owner was in a hurry of monitor , I had no choice but to replace the video card. After replacing the video card, the monitor returned to normal operation.

Re: monitor LG W1953TE no power , no led standby

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 12 października 2017, 15:30

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