• nec tokin

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#1 nec tokin

by cole2hr 16 February 2015, 14:01
I have a problem with determining capacitors voltage.
I would like to put 4*330 (see picture) in place nectokin 0E128 in toshiba satellite.
I`m not sure which voltage should be this caps.(picture)???
I try to find some data but I wasn`t lucky.



Re: nec tokin

by Google Adsense [BOT] 16 February 2015, 14:01

#2 Re: nec tokin  [SOLVED]

by Vogelek23 16 February 2015, 15:26
NEC TOKINs are typically 2,5V voltage, same as 330µF tantalum capacitors. In most cases, the actual VCCCORE voltage doesn't exceed 1,8V.

#3 Re: nec tokin

by cole2hr 19 February 2015, 20:50
At first I'm sorry I made a post in the wrong place.I will make attention next time.
Sir Vogelek23 thanks for the explanation , now things are much clearer.
Also I would like to say that the laptop is repaired soldering this caps instead of tocin.
No more freezing after charger is connected.


Re: nec tokin

by Google Adsense [BOT] 19 February 2015, 20:50

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