• Pioneer DM-40-W without power

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#1 Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Zemog 24 September 2024, 19:13
Hello everyone!
I have a Pioneer speaker model DM-40-W, with part number on the power supply 23PW03000126.
Initially it came with the SR5200 diode shorted, which has been replaced by SB5200.
After changing the rectifier diode, the power supply continues without generating voltage.
The 10N60 mosfet was checked and it is fine, but on its pins I only have voltage on Drain (pin 2) 330V.
On Gate and Source there is 0V.
There is a 6-pin component with AEsG1 silkscreen, which I cannot identify to look for the datasheet. On all its pins there is 0V, except on one of them there is 10.8V. The photo indicates the pin that has voltage
On the primary of the transformer, on the 2 pins at the ends I have 330V and on the 2 central pins 0V
Can anyone help me?




Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 24 September 2024, 19:13

#2 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a matic 24 September 2024, 20:37
Zemog napisal/-a:I cannot identify to look for the datasheet.
I also can't identify this chip, but it's definitely a primary PWM controller chip with a pretty standard pinout:
For the reference, you can use a data sheet of some other similar chip, for example OB2263, AP3103, or R7731A (attached).

Measure the resistances to ground on pins 2, 4 of this chip.

Za ogled datotek, priloženih tej objavi, morate biti prijavljeni.

#3 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Zemog 25 September 2024, 09:42
matic napisal/-a: Mida las resistencias a tierra en los pines 2, 4 de este chip.

Pin 2 ... 71K
Pin 4 ... 3,30K

#4 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a matic 27 September 2024, 15:02
Do you have a 1:1 isolation transformer and an oscilloscope?
If so, use an oscilloscope to measure the voltage on pin 6 of chip in reference to the "hot" ground. The power supply must of course be powered via an isolation transformer.
Check that you get at least a pulse, when the power is connected.

#5 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Zemog 28 September 2024, 11:04
Sorry, I don't have an isolation transformer or an oscilloscope.

#6 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a matic 30 September 2024, 08:49
Without equipment it's only option to identify the chip and replace it.
Remove the chip from the board and check if pin 3 is connected anywhere on the board at all.

#7 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Zemog 30 September 2024, 12:05
Pin 3 is not connected anywhere


#8 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Vogelek23 30 September 2024, 13:21
Check - or replace straight off - the other diode (below marked yellow) and measure the resistances on both capacitors marked red.

#9 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Zemog 30 September 2024, 18:35
The other diode was checked at the time and was fine, but I have changed it as well.

Vogelek23 napisal/-a:mida las resistencias en ambos capacitores marcados en rojo

The resistance in the capacitors with respect to ground is approximately 180k

I have also changed them since I had them in stock

#10 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power  [REŠENO]

Napisal/-a matic 1 Oktober 2024, 07:57
Since the pin 3 of the chip is not connected, it's probably something similar to SG6849 or SGP400.
Try to replace the chip with SG6849-65TZ or SGP400TZ.

#11 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Zemog 15 Oktober 2024, 13:09
matic napisal/-a:Intente reemplazar el chip con SG6849-65TZ

I ordered these chips and they arrived today, but the order arrived wrong.
The SG6849-65TZ chip should come with the BB741 silkscreen, and the chip that the Chinese sent me comes with the BB709 silkscreen.
Do you know which one it could correspond to? Will it be the same one? Will it work for me?

#12 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Vogelek23 15 Oktober 2024, 21:20
Zemog napisal/-a:The SG6849-65TZ chip should come with the BB741 silkscreen
No. It should come with BBxxx marking, where xxx may differ as it is a die run code (lot code). It can be BB714, BB741, BB515, BB807 etc. but still referring to the same chip.

Zemog napisal/-a:Do you know which one it could correspond to?

Zemog napisal/-a:Will it work for me?
Yes, as long as SG6849-65TZ is the correct replacement for "AEsG1" chip.

#13 Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Zemog 16 Oktober 2024, 11:00
matic napisal/-a:Intente reemplazar el chip con SG6849-65TZ

Chip changed with SG6849-65TZ and equipment working.
Therefore, SG6849-65TZ is the correct replacement for the "AEsG1" chip.

Vogelek23 napisal/-a:Sí. Debe venir con la marca BBxxx, donde xxx puede diferir ya que es un código de ejecución de matriz (código de lote). Puede ser BB714, BB741, BB515, BB807, etc. pero sigue refiriéndose al mismo chip.

Correct, BB741 and BB709 correspond to the same chip

Re: Pioneer DM-40-W without power

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 16 Oktober 2024, 11:00

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