• hi! please some help!

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#1 hi! please some help!

by phantomEVO 27 September 2013, 18:55
hi to all i'm ruben from italy. i would like to recieve some help with an asus motherboard "f5sl" but i don't understand if i can ask some help into the forum and where i can write: could you help me?

Re: hi! please some help!

by Google Adsense [BOT] 27 September 2013, 18:55

#2 Re: hi! please some help!  [SOLVED]

by Vogelek23 28 September 2013, 01:01

If You have a hardware problem, You can ask on Naprawa Laptopy Hardware subforum.
If it is the software problem, You can place the thread on Naprawa Laptopy Software subforum.

Please remember that all subforums have their own internal rules, so You have to read them carefully and strictly follow them.

Finally - You can write in English or, in Your native language. I suppose we can handle the translation from/to majority of languages.

Re: hi! please some help!  [SOLVED]

by Google Adsense [BOT] 28 September 2013, 01:01

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