• convert VGA to SCART

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#1 convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 12 października 2013, 21:40
I have laptop HP Nx7300 that is still working good since I fixed it with help of this forum.
It have VGA connector.
I would like to connect it to TV (panasonic TX-P42C3E) over scart.
I would like to build cable (interface) bymyself.
I need one working schematic ....


Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 12 października 2013, 21:40

#2 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez iras72 12 października 2013, 21:53

#3 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 12 października 2013, 22:32
without any "interface"?

#5 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 13 października 2013, 14:08
I build first cable without any component just wired vga and scart, it does not work.
Also I build interface with bc548 from the link that you post, it also not work.

Any sugestion?


#6 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez iras72 13 października 2013, 15:03
Now I know, you have to build with LM1881N

#7 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 13 października 2013, 19:36
ok,I´m able to find lm1881n in my country
I´m not shure about capacitors, should it be ceramic or polyester capacitor or?

#8 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez iras72 13 października 2013, 19:43
It does not matter what capacitors.

#9 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 15 października 2013, 17:06
I finished interface with LM and unfortunaly it does not work.
I recheck connections and similiar everything looks fine.
When I connect ,TV can not recognize laptop (dark screen with av1 logo).
In some short moment I get massage "av1 automatic" but no picture.
But on laptop I hear sound as (device is connected).
I try to play with graphic settings and etc, nothing helped.
Also I try to connect with one old crt television same problem.
Now my kids are disappointed far as me and my wife.
Any suggestion is welcome ,please.
Cable is not shielded but I thing it should work.



#10 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez iras72 15 października 2013, 17:23
You have 5v on pi8 LM?

#11 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 15 października 2013, 17:38
Just checked there is no (0.13V) Voltage on pin8 (pin4 taked as ground) while scart is connected to TV.
When connect and VGA to PC (scart on tv stay connected) I get 3.0 V.

#12 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez iras72 15 października 2013, 17:44
Correct supply voltage is 5-12V

#13 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 15 października 2013, 17:53
from where to get it ?
To remove power line from scart and to add some external supply?

#14 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez iras72 15 października 2013, 18:03
Yes, try this.

#15 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 15 października 2013, 19:07
Removed pin8 from scart , added external pw supply from 5 to 12 V no changes.
Still no picture.

#16 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez iras72 15 października 2013, 19:14
Are you sure that your TV has an RGB input?

#17 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 15 października 2013, 22:33
Yes, I´m pretty shure that it have.
I do not have problem regarding dvd players and similar devices.
Now I have and second crt TV.I try on them also,same problem.
I doubt that vga out on lapton is maybe bad.Decide to test it with my PC monitor.
Connected them via VGA & VGA cable everything working good (dual,single mode).

if only scart connected to TV:
On two crt TV and plasma on scart pin8 there is no voltage so I do not
understand how is LM supplyed.Regarding schematic pin8 from scart should supply LM on pin8 since it is Vcc.

if I connect and vga also ,then I get 2-3V.
no picture

I remove pin8 and add external supply , still same problem.

#18 Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez cole2hr 17 października 2013, 12:22
I try to build this one also , not work...
so I giving up losted much time
topic could be closed


Re: convert VGA to SCART

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 17 października 2013, 12:22
To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

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