• Presario CQ71 not powering

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#21 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez iras72 14 listopada 2013, 14:25
Ok, na początek wylutuj PL8, sprawdź po której stronie jest niska rezystancja.

Ok, for starters, pick up PL8, check which side is the low resistance.

Re: Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 14 listopada 2013, 14:25

#22 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 14 listopada 2013, 21:16
I had attention to lif up PL8,long time ago was cut lines with scalpel...no problems..
PL8 lifted up.
on input (from pin16 LX1 of PU2) - no resistance or big
out - 530 Ohm
measured voltage PQ48 without PL8 it is same as beafore
now +5VPCU goes to many places...


#23 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez iras72 14 listopada 2013, 21:22
Tak patrzę na elementy które uzupełniałeś na płycie i zastanawiam się nad PQ2. Do niego dochodzi również +5VPCU. Sprawdź to.

So I look at the elements that have completed the board and I'm wondering about PQ2. For him, there is also 5 VPCU. Check it out.


#24 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 14 listopada 2013, 22:22
regarding condition when I recive laptop viewtopic.php?f=213&t=28302 and who knows what was worked beafore on it....
I was hope that PQ2, as you suggest, is problem ,so removed...
unfortunately 530ohm
dont know is this wasting of time , obviously is that somebody was do something

#25 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez iras72 14 listopada 2013, 22:33
Z tego co widzę na schemacie +5VPCU dochodzi do 8 elementów, to jest do sprawdzenia.

From what I can see in the diagram there is +5VPCU to 8 elements, it is to be checked.

#26 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 16 listopada 2013, 15:25
1. on audio/b conn. - removed
2. power buton conn. - removed
3. U23 dont have this element ,L45 only
4. PU8 pin9 cuted,not problem ,PR196 and PD18 removed - not problem
5. PU1 pin31 cuted,not problem ,PC8 removed not problem ,pin22 removed PR58 not problem
6. PU6 pin15 cuted,not problem ,PC89 and PC113 removed not problem
7. PQ2 pin1,2,5,6 lifted up,not problem
8. PQ17 pin 5,6,7,8 lifted up,not problem
9. PQ39 pin3 lifted up,not problem
10. PQ2 pin1,2,5,6 lifted up,not problem
11. PU7 dont have on board or can not locate
12. PU3 dont have on board or can not locate

#27 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez iras72 16 listopada 2013, 15:35
PU3 jest tu:
PU3 are here:


-- sobota, 16 lis 2013, 16:49 --


#28 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 16 listopada 2013, 16:38
also checked :
PC16 on PQ2
PC90 on PQ17

will check PC134 and PC135
Will try to cut pin9(BYP) and pin10(OUT1) of PU2

realy dont have PU3 and PU7

#29 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez iras72 16 listopada 2013, 16:43
Masz płytę bez GPU? Poczekaj, rozbiorę laptopa innego mam tam płytę bez GPU.

You have a board without the GPU? Wait, undress laptop I got there another board without GPU.

-- sobota, 16 lis 2013, 17:51 --

Ok, na tej płycie nie ma PU3 i PU7 :)

Ok, on this board, there is no PU3 and PU7


#30 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 16 listopada 2013, 17:04
OK this is the board.
In the mean time removed PC14 and PC135
so after all I still have 530 ohm from +5vpcu to gnd
dont know should I try to lift up whole PU2?

#31 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez iras72 16 listopada 2013, 17:17
Dla pewności możesz zdjąć PU2.

To make sure you remove PU2.

#32 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 16 listopada 2013, 17:33
I just cut the line pin9(BYP) and pin10(OUT1) of PU2. Resistance of 530 ohm from +5VPCU to GND gone. Now resistance raise to 10Kohm.

#33 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez iras72 16 listopada 2013, 17:35
Ok, wymień PU2 i sprawdź rezystancje zanim podłączysz zasilacz.

Ok, replace PU2 and check the resistance before connecting the power supply.

#34 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 16 listopada 2013, 17:40
First will fix cuted lines and removed components.
Dont have PU2 ( RT8206B ) I should order it.Any replacment for it ? ( I maybe have it on some boards)

#35 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez iras72 16 listopada 2013, 17:55
ISL6237, TPS51427A

HP DV5 AMD Quanta QT8
HP DV5 Intel Quanta QT6
HP DV6 AMD Quanta UT1

#36 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 17 listopada 2013, 12:31
OK.I dont have this parts.
I fix all cuts and solder back all parts and "lifts ups" that I made.
So now without (only) PU2 RT8206B resistance is 5 Kohm.I hope 5 Kohm is OK?
Will order PU2 from ebay.

iras72 I would like to give you points for all your help till now,thanks,Machine also, but topic then will be closed.

#37 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering 

przez iras72 17 listopada 2013, 13:25
With the completion of the subject hold off until the end of the repair.
Resistance PL8 on my board is stabilizing after a long time at 37K, but the top may depend on the used ohmmeter.

#38 Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez cole2hr 8 grudnia 2013, 00:29
finaly parts arrive.
I still not solder new RT8206B since I still have resistance PL8 5K ,when yours is 37K.
Now I have doubt should I solder RT and try to power,or to check whole +5VPCU line again.

Re: Presario CQ71 not powering

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 8 grudnia 2013, 00:29

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