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Re: LVDS Data signals
przez Google Adsense [BOT] • 2 listopada 2013, 23:10
tellyman02 napisał(a):I would use a scope to view the signal the voltage is only one part of the equation. I wish you luck.
Hi tellyman02!
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I do agree with you. I have an mtx 3352 digital oscilloscope, that I unfortunately seldom use.
Given your large experience in electronics and computers, can you advice me, professionally speaking, what are the main signals needed to be checked strictly with oscilloscope, in troubleshooting display fail of a laptop ?
mohkam napisał(a):tellyman02 napisał(a):I would use a scope to view the signal the voltage is only one part of the equation. I wish you luck.
Hi tellyman02!
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I do agree with you. I have an mtx 3352 digital oscilloscope, that I unfortunately seldom use.
Given your large experience in electronics and computers, can you advice me, professionally speaking, what are the main signals needed to be checked strictly with oscilloscope, in troubleshooting display fail of a laptop ?
I would appreciate getting reply to my post from you or any other viewer to help me getting benefit of my oscilloscope in troubleshooting display fail.
I examined with scope (Hantek) LVDS signals on some game slot machine monitor. Maybe that can be useful. As input i used VGA 16 gray pattern, resolution 1280x1024 @60Hz
Signals measured are from 1st pin, at 30 pin LVDS connector on LCD panel.
In the file lvds.rar are saved screenshots from scope. In first folder is screenshot for 1st pin, and others respectively.
Signals measured are from 1st pin, at 30 pin LVDS connector on LCD panel.
In the file lvds.rar are saved screenshots from scope. In first folder is screenshot for 1st pin, and others respectively.
lvds.rar |
an36xa napisał(a):I examined with scope (Hantek) LVDS signals on some game slot machine monitor. Maybe that can be useful. As input i used VGA 16 gray pattern, resolution 1280x1024 @60Hz
Signals measured are from 1st pin, at 30 pin LVDS connector on LCD panel.
In the file lvds.rar are saved screenshots from scope. In first folder is screenshot for 1st pin, and others respectively.
The LVDS signals are well illustrated; Thank you "an36xa".
Re: LVDS Data signals
przez Google Adsense [BOT] • 17 listopada 2013, 17:10
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