• [help]gigabyte ga-k8nf-9 Bios corrupted, impossible to reprogram

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#1 [help]gigabyte ga-k8nf-9 Bios corrupted, impossible to reprogram

phantomEVO 6 Травня 2016, 21:29
please help

motherboard gigabyte ga-k8nf-9 with bios corrupted. the eprom is pm49fl004t-33jc

i've willem programmer pcb50b but it not recognize the chip! i've clicked on device->fwh/lpc->pmc->pm49fl004

but when i click device id it is not recognized!

so i've bought the fwh/lpc adapter but it still not recognized!
could you help me?

this is my programmer with the adaptor and the chip



Re: [help]gigabyte ga-k8nf-9 Bios corrupted, impossible to reprogram

Google Adsense [BOT] 6 Травня 2016, 21:29

#2 Re: [help]gigabyte ga-k8nf-9 Bios corrupted, impossible to reprogram

Vogelek23 6 Травня 2016, 22:26
You need to know that Willem usually causes many strange problems in programming of parallel flash devices. If you want to repair more than one computer, you should buy a much more effective programmer (like TL866CS in example).

Firstly, you need to measure the supply voltage of your flash device during the programming (the best way is to measure it using an oscilloscope). You should check your Willem using another flash device as well (to make sure your flash memory is not faulty). Have you ever programmed any other parallel flash device succesfully using this Willem? Have you tried a different timing settings (tWP, tWC)?

#3 Re: [help]gigabyte ga-k8nf-9 Bios corrupted, impossible to reprogram

phantomEVO 7 Травня 2016, 06:34
Hi Vogelek23, thanks for you help! I've flashed a lot of eprom, but only eprom from notebook (so smaller).

This is my first time with this type of socket! But I've not oscilloscope or other program :(

but i've tried the programmer with other software versione and other pc, but it is not recognized! strange thing is that i've tried to read another two eprom (different model, same format) with no luck!

i've not changed twp and twc in my life :O

#4 Re: [help]gigabyte ga-k8nf-9 Bios corrupted, impossible to reprogram

Vogelek23 7 Травня 2016, 17:03
phantomEVO написав:I've flashed a lot of eprom, but only eprom from notebook (so smaller)
Do you mean SPI flash devices?

phantomEVO написав:But I've not oscilloscope or other program
That's wrong. If you want to repair any computer machines, you have to buy an oscilloscope (and some other workshop stuff).

phantomEVO написав:but i've tried the programmer with other software versione and other pc, but it is not recognized!
Firstly, you need to exclude your flash device (try to reprogramm it using any other PROGRAMMER). If you know a colleague nearby who has a working programmer (passed with a parallel flash devices) please try to reprogramm your device using it.

phantomEVO написав:strange thing is that i've tried to read another two eprom (different model, same format) with no luck!
It may mean that your programmer is faulty or, has a bad configuration.

phantomEVO написав:i've not changed twp and twc in my life
Must be the first time! Please try to move tWP and/or tWC slider(s) and check if your flash device is recognized. If so, try to reprogramm. If not, buy a new programmer.

Re: [help]gigabyte ga-k8nf-9 Bios corrupted, impossible to reprogram

Google Adsense [BOT] 7 Травня 2016, 17:03
Ця тема позначена як АРХІВНИЙ. Відповідайте лише в тому випадку, якщо ваша відповідь містить рішення проблеми (Правила Форуму, п. 12.1).

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