• Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?

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#1 Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?

matic 3 Листопада 2017, 15:43

I've motherboard ASUSTeK T12M, Rev.: 2.1 with no video.
It is bad NB/GPU Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 (after a diagnostic heating with hot air gun it revived).

For the which date code I need to looking for a new chip so the that will be reliable?
Would be the date code "09+" ok, or it should be newer?

Re: Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?

Google Adsense [BOT] 3 Листопада 2017, 15:43

#2 Re: Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?

Vogelek23 3 Листопада 2017, 19:30
As long as the chipset is BRAND NEW (never used) and it was stored at the proper place with proper thermal/moisture conditions, it may even be a date code 07 or 08. Of course, the newer the better, but you must not forget about possible copies.

#3 Re: Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?

matic 3 Листопада 2017, 20:39
Vogelek23 написав:it may even be a date code 07 or 08
:wtf: Really?

Maybe I'm wrong, but as far as I know, most of the Nvidia chips, which were produced before year 2009 are factory bad.
As far as I know, they have had problems with impurities, which led to weak bumps between silicon die and substrate of the BGA chip.


#4 Re: Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?  [РІШЕНО]

Vogelek23 3 Листопада 2017, 21:14
Around 8 years ago, I have purchased a few brand-new nVidia G6100 chipsets (DC 2008). As I have an old HP DV6000 laptop which I still use for some tasks, I was forced to replace the factory assembled chipset with a new one on the late 2010 (I have ordered a new DC 2010 chipset for that job). After 4 years this 2010 chipset has passed away, so I've decided to replace it with one of that DC 2008 chipsets purchased 8 years ago. Over 3 years later, it works perfectly without any problems, 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. So my conclusion is that there is nothing related to the age of chipset, but mostly whether it is used/refurbished or brand-new. We have now a very similar problems with ATi/AMD chipsets - after heating them up or reflowing, they start working, but they fail after a while, usually within a few weeks/months. If you replace the chipset with a brand-new one, you will never see a returned repair.

#5 Re: Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?

matic 6 Листопада 2017, 16:23
Vogelek23 написав:Of course, the newer the better, but you must not forget about possible copies.
Where the difference between the original and the counterfeit is observed?

#6 Re: Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?

matic 4 Січня 2018, 23:47
I ordered brand new BGA chip with date code 09+.
The notebook has been working without any problems for more than a month now.

Łukasz, thank you very much for your help!

Re: Nvidia NF-G6100-N-A2 which date code?

Google Adsense [BOT] 4 Січня 2018, 23:47

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