• Hp EliteBook 8460p "ME is in Recovery State..." after reflashing the BIOS chip

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#1 Hp EliteBook 8460p "ME is in Recovery State..." after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 15 Липня 2018, 21:47
Brand: Hp
Model: EliteBook 8460p
Motherboard: Inventec Clash Discrete 6050A2398501-MB-A02


In the repair I got the mentioned laptop with the corrupted BIOS.
I reflashed the BIOS chip in programmer. Now the laptop turn on, but the message "ME is in Recovery State..." appears on the screen during startup. After a few seconds the laptop normally boot to windows.

What I've done up to now:
- Entered the serial number, product number and all other codes in new BIOS using "HPBR" software.
- Transferred the BIOS ME-region from old original BIOS to the new dump.
- I tried with two different BIOS dumps, but the same message still appears.


Any idea, what does this message mean and why it is displayed during startup?

Re: Hp EliteBook 8460p "ME is in Recovery State..." after reflashing the BIOS chip

Google Adsense [BOT] 15 Липня 2018, 21:47

#2 Re: Hp EliteBook 8460p "ME is in Recovery State..." after reflashing the BIOS chip

drill 16 Липня 2018, 09:33
Did You try update bios under the windows system?

#3 Re: Hp EliteBook 8460p "ME is in Recovery State..." after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 16 Липня 2018, 18:43
drill написав:Did You try update bios under the windows system?
Yes, I did.
I updated the BIOS from the version F.03 to version F.67, but the same issue is still present.
I have to mention that the BIOS update under the windows lasted about 12 hours, but it was successful at the end.

#5 Re: Hp EliteBook 8460p "ME is in Recovery State..." after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 1 Серпня 2018, 23:31
BIOS ME region updated with "Intel Management Engine (ME) Firmware Update Tool" under DOS.
Now the laptop works correctly without displaying mentioned message.

@Type5, thank you for your help!

Re: Hp EliteBook 8460p "ME is in Recovery State..." after reflashing the BIOS chip

Google Adsense [BOT] 1 Серпня 2018, 23:31

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