• KBC chip MEC5055 flashing issue

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#1 KBC chip MEC5055 flashing issue

przez matic 2 października 2018, 20:04
Brand: Dell
Model: Latitude E6430
Motherboard: Compal QAL81, LA-7782P, Rev.: 1.0 (A00)



I have a problem with flashing the KBC chip MEC5055-LZY on mentioned motherboard using SVOD 3 programmer.
The problem is that the reading/verifying is successful, but in the read file are all bytes "0".

Log window:
Software version date 21.05.2018
Running Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3537U CPU @ 2.00GHz
Device connected in work mode
Firmware version date 21.5.2018
MEC mode selected
MEC IDCODE: B1240010
Device ID: 3
Device Revision: 0
Device Status: C
Flash Status: 280000000C
Boot Block in protected mode
Start reading: 30.9.2018 17:58:29
End reading: 30.9.2018 17:58:33
CRC calculated 110C
CRC stored 0000
Read OK
File size : 294912
Flash size :294912
Start verify: 30.9.2018 18:01:30
End verify in: 30.9.2018 18:01:33
Verify OK

In the log window I noticed that:
Boot Block in protected mode
Does that mean, the chip is locked against reading?

Re: KBC chip MEC5055 flashing issue

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 2 października 2018, 20:04

#2 Re: KBC chip MEC5055 flashing issue

przez xamledyD 2 października 2018, 20:41
According to this topic, "Boot Block in protected mode" doesn't matter in getting the output file, so it shouldn't affect on reading the chip. When you try to write/erase MEC, then you should see "Boot Block in not protected mode".
You are reading MEC5055 with JTAG on this SVOD?
If you get "0" bytes in output file, then reading and verifying is not successful. Also compare your read/verify times with linked topic - in your case it goes 6x faster.

#3 Re: KBC chip MEC5055 flashing issue

przez matic 2 października 2018, 21:41
xamledyD napisał(a):When you try to write/erase MEC, then you should see "Boot Block in not protected mode".
I haven't tried to write/erase it yet, because I want to read the old file for bacukp first.

xamledyD napisał(a): You are reading MEC5055 with JTAG on this SVOD?
Yes, exactly:

My connections are the following:
TDI -> Pin 2 of connector "JDEG2"
TMS -> Pin 3 of connector "JDEG2"
CLK -> Pin 4 of connector "JDEG2"
TDO -> Pin 5 of connector "JDEG2"
RST -> Pin 1 of jumper "JTAG1" (jumper is not bridged of course)
GND -> Ground

xamledyD napisał(a):If you get "0" bytes in output file, then reading and verifying is not successful. Also compare your read/verify times with linked topic - in your case it goes 6x faster.
This is content of my read file:

I think that the times in my case are shorter, because my SVOD programmer is newer and probably has a higher programming speed.

The size of my read file is 288KB

#4 Re: KBC chip MEC5055 flashing issue

przez matic 3 października 2018, 21:57
I also tried to read this KBC chip without connecting the "RST" wire, but everything is exactly the same as before.

Any more idea?

Re: KBC chip MEC5055 flashing issue

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 3 października 2018, 21:57
To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

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