• Zillion x Work with schematic for notebook

#1 Zillion x Work with schematic for notebook

da easyinformatica 27 ottobre 2018, 18:23
I have been following you for some time. I would like to know if there is software like Zillion x Work with the wiring diagrams for notebooks such as Asus, Acer, HP, and Apple products.
Sorry for my english but I'm using the google translator.
Thank you

Re: Zillion x Work with schematic for notebook

da Google Adsense [BOT] 27 ottobre 2018, 18:23

#2 Re: Zillion x Work with schematic for notebook

da Vogelek23 27 ottobre 2018, 22:22
I'm afraid the answer is NO and - apparently - it is impossible to release such a software.

Apple boardview files available on the market are only 2-layer component placement files (most likely the top-bottom overlay files with a raw nets) which do not include the inner layers tracing. Most of BDV, BV and ASC files are also the same, and it is simply impossible to convert such a files into a full multi-layer PCB files. Some of the large (over 15MB) BRD files contain a multi-layer tracing, but it is actually less than 25% of all BRD files available on the market.

Re: Zillion x Work with schematic for notebook

da Google Adsense [BOT] 27 ottobre 2018, 22:22

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