• Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

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#1 Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

matic 25 Грудня 2018, 22:24
Brand: Hp
Model: EliteBook 8570p
Motherboard: Foxconn CASPER-UMA_CR_HPB, MV_MB_V1
BIOS: Winbond W25Q128FVSIG (128Mbit = 16MB)


I'm working on the mentioned laptop which had a crashed BIOS. I reflashed the BIOS chip in programmer and it is working now, but I want to edit the data (SKU number, serial number, UUID number, board CT number, ...) in the new BIOS.

Which tool should I use to edit the BIOS data?
I tried with "HPBR" software, but I get an error message that this model is not supported.

Re: Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

Google Adsense [BOT] 25 Грудня 2018, 22:24

#2 Re: Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

xamledyD 26 Грудня 2018, 00:03
Have you tried HP DMI Tool? hp-dmi-tools-serial-number-changer-t3471.html?hilit=dmi%20tool
There are many versions of this software - you have to find version compatible with your laptop by "trial and error" method.

#3 Re: Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

farmer 26 Грудня 2018, 14:50
As I see HP DMI Tool is working with Elite 8570p from version 2.03. The latest version on the forum is version 2.13 - see the link above. For Foxconn MB you can use HPBFLxxx or better run NbDmiFit.bat from DOS or wndmifit from Windows.

#4 Re: Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

matic 26 Грудня 2018, 23:28
I tried with "HP DMI Tool" versions: 2.03, 2.10, 2.13, but I always get the following screen:


I tried to run the "NbDmiFit.bat" anyway, but I get the same message.

#5 Re: Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

xamledyD 27 Грудня 2018, 13:32
If I'm not mistaken, the message says that you have to use a Windows version tool, not the DOS version.
Check in Google for phrase "HP Mobile DMIFIT Step-by-Step Guide" - you will find a PDF guide which contains some useful informations that may help in your case.

#6 Re: Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

matic 28 Грудня 2018, 10:42
I tried with windows version "Wndmifit.exe", but I get the following message:


#7 Re: Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?  [РІШЕНО]

xamledyD 28 Грудня 2018, 11:07
To unlock MPM, you need to patch your BIOS dump or program BIOS chip with already modified BIOS file. Then you can use Wndmifit to modify SN, SKU etc. in your BIOS.
You can also try this solution (not confirmed and tested by me, do it at your own risk):
To unlock the MPM, copy the FSMC.bin file from the WNDMIFIT folder to a Fat32-formatted USB drive. Rename the file to SMC.bin. Plug the USB drive into the laptop with the power off. Hold Windows Key + Arrow UP Key + Arrow Down Key at the same time and power the system on. Release all keys when you see the blue HP logo. You should see a brief message on a white screen saying that the SMC command was handled successfully. This means that the MPM is unlocked, and will remain so for the next 10 power-cycles.

Link to the solution: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/thread ... st-1401941

#8 Re: Hp EliteBook 8570p Which tool to edit the BIOS data?

matic 28 Грудня 2018, 19:34
The customer wanted his laptop back and does not care about the wrong serial number and other data in the BIOS.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to try unlock the MPM.

Anyway, thanks to both of you for help!

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