• Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

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#1 Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 4 Березня 2019, 09:19
Brand: Asus
Model: Vivobook X541U
Motherboard: ASUSTeK X541UVK, Rev.: 2.0, UMA version

The initial issue was that the laptop turns on, but without picture on the screen.
I reflashed the BIOS chip and after that the laptop works, but there is another issue with shut down under the system. When I click on the "Shut down" button in the system the screen goes black as usual and after a few seconds the hard drive also turns off, but the power LED remains on for about 3 minutes, when it finally turns off.

What I have done up to now:
- Edited serial number and Windows 8 key in new BIOS.
- ME-region transferred from old to the new BIOS.
- I tried with three different BIOS dumps, but it is always the same issue.

Without transferring the ME-region to the new BIOS is all the same except that the picture on the screen appears 20 seconds after pressing to the power button.

Any idea?

Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

Google Adsense [BOT] 4 Березня 2019, 09:19

#2 Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

Lesio23 4 Березня 2019, 10:22
Is programming correctly every time?
Did you exchange a bios chip ?

#3 Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

marci4 4 Березня 2019, 10:44
Have you tried flashing some older version of BIOS using a programmer and then upgrading to the newest version via Windows Flash Utility from Asus website?

#4 Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 6 Березня 2019, 22:11
Lesio23 написав:Is programming correctly every time?
Yes, it is. Programming and Verifying goes through without any issues.
Lesio23 написав:Did you exchange a bios chip ?
Yes, I did.
Original BIOS chip is GigaDevice GD25B64CSIG. I tried to replace it with Winbond W25Q64CSIG, but it does not change anything (I don't have identical BIOS chip as the original).

marci4 написав:Have you tried flashing some older version of BIOS using a programmer and then upgrading to the newest version via Windows Flash Utility from Asus website?
Yes, I have. I successfully updated the BIOS from version 303 to the version 311, but it does not change anything.

#5 Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 12 Березня 2019, 11:20
Any other ideas?

#6 Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 6 Квітня 2019, 15:00
I reflashed the BIOS chip with a cleaned ME-region from that topic, but it does not change anything.

Any other option?

#7 Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

poster 6 Квітня 2019, 15:28
Have You tried with different operating system? Insert another hard drive, install clean OS on ot and try.

But first, unplug Hard Disk, power the board on, then press power button once. Does it shut down normally?

#8 Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 1 Серпня 2019, 08:04
I'm sorry for the delay. The customer was need that laptop and took it. Now he brought it back to finish the repair.
The issue did not change during this time.

poster написав:But first, unplug Hard Disk, power the board on, then press power button once. Does it shut down normally?
Yes, in this case it shut down normally.
poster написав:Have You tried with different operating system? Insert another hard drive, install clean OS on ot and try.
I installed clean Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) on another hard drive. Symptoms are as follows:
  • Without installed drivers the machine shut down completely normally (without delay).
  • With installed drivers there is a problem as described (the power LED remains on for about 3 minutes, when it finally turns off).

#9 Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

matic 7 Травня 2020, 11:00
The machine was returned to the customer unfortunately without the solution.

Thank all of you for your interest.
I close the topic.

Re: Asus X541U - Shut down issue after reflashing the BIOS chip

Google Adsense [BOT] 7 Травня 2020, 11:00

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