• Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

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#1 Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by kataklysm 19 May 2019, 16:40
Witam, trafił do mnie monitor samsung s24d300h. Nie reaguje na próby włączenia, za sterowanie odpowiada płytka z dotykowym panelem która nosi duże ślady korozji

Oprócz tego panelu w monitorze jest tylko jedna płyta z zasilaniem i układem logiki

Pretowrnice pracują, napięcia opisane na laminacie obecne.

Moje podejrzenie padło na ten dotykowy panel, umylem go, odbudowalem uszkodzone ścieżki, przemierzylem ale monitor nadal nie reaguje.

Sercem tego dotykowego panelu jest układ
tc350i, zasilania tego układu są obecne ale był on mocno skorodowany, przycisk power jest podpięty do pinu 10 (TS1.2)

Moje pytanie to czy można jakoś zasymulowac wciśnięcie przycisku power omijając ten układ?

Jeśli ktoś z Was posiada schemat chociaż podobnego monitora to także byłbym wdzięczny

Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by Google Adsense [BOT] 19 May 2019, 16:40

#2 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by matic 19 May 2019, 17:32
kataklysm wrote:Moje pytanie to czy można jakoś zasymulowac wciśnięcie przycisku power omijając ten układ?
It is impossible to simulate the pressing on the power button without touch panel board. The reason is that the chip on the touch panel TC350I communicate with the main processor via I2C bus. So the main processor gets information about all the touch keys in the form of the signal on the one data line.

Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 2, 4, 6, 16 of TC350I chip.

#3 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by kataklysm 19 May 2019, 17:58
Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 2, 4, 6, 16 of TC350I chip.

Hi Matic.
PIN 1: 2.1v / 2.2v little floating
PIN 2: 1.5v / 1.6v little floating
PIN 4: 1.6v
PIN 6: 2.2v
PIN 16: 2.5v

#4 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by matic 19 May 2019, 18:53
kataklysm wrote:PIN 16: 2.5v
Too low. It probably should be 3,3V.

Please, post a clear pictures of power supply and main board.

#5 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by kataklysm 19 May 2019, 19:02


#6 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by matic 19 May 2019, 19:15
Measure the voltages to ground on all pins of highlighted connector, when the touch panel board is disconnected from the main board.


#7 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by kataklysm 19 May 2019, 19:31
PIN 2: 2.3V / 2.4V
PIN 3: 1.7V / 1.8V
PIN 4: 0V
PIN 5: 3.4V

#8 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by matic 19 May 2019, 19:45
Measure the resistance to ground on pin 5 of that connector with and without touch panel board connected.

#9 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by kataklysm 19 May 2019, 20:32
Resistance of PIN 5:
with panel: OL or many Mohm
Without panel: 13kohm

But i find corrosion on path from pin 5 on panel. Now on pin 16 tc350i i have 3.4V

But board dont start

#10 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by matic 19 May 2019, 21:19
Check all copper paths on the touch panel board.

Also check the pins of connector on the touch panel board. If they are corroded, the connector and wires should be replaced. I also suggest you to remove the connector from the touch panel board, because there may be corrosion or at least dirt under it.
Such touch panel boards are very sensitive to dirt , so all spill residues should be cleaned as much as possible.

Some paths on your picture seems suspicious to me:


If you are sure that all paths are ok, remeasure the voltages on all pins suggested in post #2.

#11 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by kataklysm 19 May 2019, 22:58
This board has very extensive damaged. I will try to buy another one panel because this probably have inside corrosion.

I find another problem, on L600 (description on pcb +5v) i have +5v but this coil is connected to Q401 (probably mosfet) and Q401 should give +5v to LCD panel (i have description on pcb PANEL 5V)
Unfortunetly PANEL 5V is missing

Google dont know description from Q401, maybe You can identify it?



#12 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by matic 20 May 2019, 07:24
kataklysm wrote:Unfortunetly PANEL 5V is missing
That voltage probably should appear after pressing to the power button.
You should repair/replace the touch panel board first.

#13 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by kataklysm 20 May 2019, 14:26
I can buy s24d330h with broken screen. Do You think that panel are ok to my model? I have doubts because tc350i have a EEPROM

#14 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany  [SOLVED]

by matic 21 May 2019, 19:25
kataklysm wrote:I have doubts because tc350i have a EEPROM
You have right. It seems that this chip requires programming.

kataklysm wrote:I can buy s24d330h with broken screen. Do You think that panel are ok to my model?
I don't know. It is probably hard to say without a try.
Check, if the touch panel PCB code (BN41-xxxx) is same as the original.

#15 Re: Samsung S24D300H nie uruchamia się, zalany

by kataklysm 24 May 2019, 12:05
I was buy s24d330h

After replace panel, monitor working again.

Thanks for help Matic!

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