• Links and English/Russian language of the forum do not work

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#1 Links and English/Russian language of the forum do not work

da matic 16 giugno 2019, 15:37

As described in the title the English/Russian language of the forum does not work for several days.
The internet browser throws the error "HTTP ERROR 500".

I also noticed that the links in the posts on the forum (also at Polish language of the forum) does not work. The internet browser throws the same error.

Re: Links and English/Russian language of the forum do not work

da Google Adsense [BOT] 16 giugno 2019, 15:37

#2 Re: Links and English/Russian language of the forum do not work

da Vogelek23 16 giugno 2019, 16:03
Hi Matic, can you post a link to the example location where links don't work?

#3 Re: Links and English/Russian language of the forum do not work  [RISOLTO]

da Vogelek23 16 giugno 2019, 16:17
Please check again EN/RU language of the forum, should be OK now.

#4 Re: Links and English/Russian language of the forum do not work

da matic 16 giugno 2019, 16:39
Vogelek23 ha scritto:Please check again EN/RU language of the forum, should be OK now.
Everything seems to be ok now. Including links.

Thank you very much Łukasz :D

Re: Links and English/Russian language of the forum do not work

da Google Adsense [BOT] 16 giugno 2019, 16:39

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