• How to Find Serial Number in BIOS Dump

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#1 How to Find Serial Number in BIOS Dump

KenM0560 16 Жовтня 2019, 15:44

Would somebody be able to instruct me on how to find the serial number and other unique laptop information from a BIOS bin file please. I have read the thread titled "A way to get the Windows 8 key from the bios file" but it seems each laptop BIOS has a different offset for the serial number etc.

Thank you

Re: How to Find Serial Number in BIOS Dump

Google Adsense [BOT] 16 Жовтня 2019, 15:44

#2 Re: How to Find Serial Number in BIOS Dump

xamledyD 16 Жовтня 2019, 19:00

As you saw in mentioned topic about Windows 8 key, solutions used for finding a key in BIOS dump depends on a laptop model. The same thing is with serial number. Serial number and other similar informations are stored in miscellaneous areas. Sometimes there are stored in "plain text", sometimes they are encrypted by laptop manufacturer.
If you want to find informations like SN, WK etc. in specific device, write its model or motherboard marking.

#3 Re: How to Find Serial Number in BIOS Dump

KenM0560 17 Жовтня 2019, 08:26
Thank you for your reply, i do not have a specific laptop at the moment i was just thinkng in general. Using the methods from the Windows 8 key topic, i was able to find the SN and WK in plain text for several models of laptop, and also searching for the string LENV i was able to find the encrypted setion from some Lenovo BIOS.

How would one edit the SN within the encrypted section of the Lenovo BIOS? Or in cases where no serial number is present how would you be able to input one.

#4 Re: How to Find Serial Number in BIOS Dump

xamledyD 17 Жовтня 2019, 08:52
KenM0560 написав:Or in cases where no serial number is present how would you be able to input one.

It depends on laptop model. Sometimes you can just edit your SN in your BIOS file using hexadecimal editor, but there are some devices which require using special software. For example, in HP laptops you have to use HP DMI Tool. In Lenovo, when you have encrypted data, you have to copy whole "LENV" area from original dump to working BIOS. For Dell there is a tool called Dell Service Tech CD.

#5 Re: How to Find Serial Number in BIOS Dump

KenM0560 17 Жовтня 2019, 09:34
Ok thank you for your help, i will look more into those tools. I did use the HP DMI tool some time ago. Do you know if this tool still works with the modern consumer notebooks (Pavilions, Envys etc) or does it just work for the older business models?

Also do the other manufacturers like Acer, ASUS have a tool that is similar to edit SN, model name etc.

Re: How to Find Serial Number in BIOS Dump

Google Adsense [BOT] 17 Жовтня 2019, 09:34
Ця тема позначена як АРХІВНИЙ. Відповідайте лише в тому випадку, якщо ваша відповідь містить рішення проблеми (Правила Форуму, п. 12.1).

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