• Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

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#1 Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

przez matic 27 grudnia 2019, 16:36
Manufacturer: Seagate
Model: ST1000LM035


I have a specified HDD which is not shown under system in "My computer".
It is detected in "Disk management", where it is shown as "Not initialized" device. It also throws an "Cyclic redundancy check error".

The data on the disc is not relevant, I just want to format it and install a system on it.

Re: Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 27 grudnia 2019, 16:36

#2 Re: Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

przez arvika 28 grudnia 2019, 13:53

#3 Re: Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

przez matic 28 grudnia 2019, 14:22
arvika napisał(a):Show SMART.
I get a little data only - screen below. I tried with two different programs but it is the same.


#4 Re: Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error  [ROZWIĄZANY]

przez arvika 28 grudnia 2019, 16:01
Try HDDscan or Victoria.
This model is very problematic. Many problems with service area. You can show me log from terminal, but probably drive have problem with SA.

#5 Re: Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

przez matic 28 grudnia 2019, 16:47
arvika napisał(a):Try HDDscan or Victoria.
Screen from "HDDscan" is already attached in post #3.
It is a similar situation with "Victoria" - screen below.


arvika napisał(a):You can show me log from terminal
I don't know exactly what you want here. Can you describe how to access it in more detail please. Sorry, I'm not very familiar with the software.
I get the following from command prompt, if it helps. Problematic HDD is "Disk 1".


#6 Re: Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

przez arvika 28 grudnia 2019, 17:33
Terminal scheme:

For 2,5" drive there is only 4 pins, not 8. You will find in internet description.

Terminal is blocked by Seagate, but maybe there will be some information, that we can deduct disk condition.
But as I suppose it is waste time try to fix it ;)

#7 Re: Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

przez matic 1 lutego 2020, 22:19
I didn't try the option suggestion in post #6, because I don't have enough software knowledge to do this.

I believe that the issue is related to the "service area" of the HDD. I didn't find the firmware for that drive on the web to repair the SA, so the repair is probably not possible.

The HDD drive was returned to the owner without a solution.
Thank you very much for your help.

Re: Seagate ST1000LM035 "Cyclic redundancy check" error

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 1 lutego 2020, 22:19

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