• [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

#1 [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez McMemorek 23 listopada 2020, 09:10
Witam serdecznie.

Poszukuje schemat podłączenia się pod pady na MB laptopa Lenovo ThinkPad
T440 (model płyty NM-A102 Rev. 1.0) w celu przeprogramowania układu SMSC (układ o nazwie MEC1633L) .
Kupiłem programator Verrtyanov w wersji 2.0, mam dostęp do w pełni
sprawnego układu, z którego wyciągnę wsad, ale nie mam pojęcia jakimi
kabelkami wpiąć się do padów o oznaczeniu J20 na schemacie płyty głównej.
Coś tam niby poszperałem i póki co wyszło mi takie coś:

1. wire is not user Reset for ATMEGA 88 -- > MEC_DBG_RST
2. wire 60 output EDI_CLK / KSI 5 -- > JTAG_CLK
3. wire 62 output EDI_DO / KSI 7 --> JTAG_TDO
4. wire is not supported user output 3v3 / 100mA --> xxxxxxx
5. wire 61 output EDI_DIN / KSI 6 --> JTAG_TDI
6. wire GND --> GND
7. wire 59 output EDI_CS / KSI4 --> JTAG_TMS ???????

Mam dylemat co do pkt 7 czy na pewno ma byc podpiety do JTAG TMS ? Reszta
podłączeń jest ok ?

Dodam, że o ile z programowaniem układów BIOS nie mam żadnych problemów - o
tyle programowanie KBC będę robił pierwszy raz w swoim życiu ;) no ale
kiedyś musi być ten ,, pierwszy raz,,

Z góry dziękuje za pomoc i poświęcony czas.

Re: [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 23 listopada 2020, 09:10

#2 [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Re: Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez matic 23 listopada 2020, 12:13

The MEC KBC chips can be programmed via "JTAG" interface.

You need to connect the following signals:
In addition to this signals you should also connect the ground (GND) between the motherboard and programmer. You can connect it via USB cable.

On your particular board this signals are accessible on "Debug" connector J20. This connector is actually not soldered to the board, so you have to solder the wires on pins of this connector (schematic parts below).


You can see that all of the signals (except the reset JTAG_RST (JTAG_RESET)) are accessible to the connector J20. This reset signal is usually not needed for programming, so you can try to program this chip without connecting this signal. It is only need to pull this reset signal to high level (currently it is pulled low to the board), so you need to swap the resistor R8797 to the place of R8796 (move the following resistor from red to the yellow place):

"Debug" connector J20 on the board with pin count:

After connecting all of the wires you should connect the power supply to the board, because the KBC chip should be powered during the programming.

#3 [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Re: Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez McMemorek 23 listopada 2020, 13:20
matic napisał(a):Hello!

The MEC KBC chips can be programmed via "JTAG" interface.

You need to connect the following signals:
In addition to this signals you should also connect the ground (GND) between the motherboard and programmer. You can connect it via USB cable.

On your particular board this signals are accessible on "Debug" connector J20. This connector is actually not soldered to the board, so you have to solder the wires on pins of this connector (schematic parts below).

[ Obrazek ]
[ Obrazek ]

You can see that all of the signals (except the reset JTAG_RST (JTAG_RESET)) are accessible to the connector J20. This reset signal is usually not needed for programming, so you can try to program this chip without connecting this signal. It is only need to pull this reset signal to high level (currently it is pulled low to the board), so you need to swap the resistor R8797 to the place of R8796 (move the following resistor from red to the yellow place):
[ Obrazek ]

"Debug" connector J20 on the board with pin count:
[ Obrazek ]

After connecting all of the wires you should connect the power supply to the board, because the KBC chip should be powered during the programming.

Thanks for the answer, but I meant something else. My point is to match the signals from the programmer to the signals on the motherboard. Which cable should be soldered to which pad. Sorry for the mistakes with the language, I use the translator

#4 [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Re: Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez matic 23 listopada 2020, 13:38
Please, post a picture of your programmer.

#5 [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Re: Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez McMemorek 23 listopada 2020, 13:42
matic napisał(a):Please, post a picture of your programmer.





#6 [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Re: Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez matic 23 listopada 2020, 15:02
The cable pinout is probably the same as at other versions of Vertyanov programmer:

#7 [SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Re: Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez McMemorek 25 listopada 2020, 14:35
matic napisał(a):The cable pinout is probably the same as at other versions of Vertyanov programmer:
[ Obrazek ]

Thanks for the answer, it turned out that the laptop with a working batch has a bios password, am I able to remove it with this programmer using this method? This is the only computer with an efficient KBC and I cannot upload the password to the second computer, the boss will not allow it :(

[SZUKAM SCHEMATU] Re: Schemat podłączenia MEC1633L Lenovo T440

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 25 listopada 2020, 14:35
To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

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