• Most common defective components

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To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

#1 Most common defective components

przez mladen82 10 marca 2021, 13:09
Greetings to all colleagues,
I was wondering when it comes to reparations on laptopmotherboards (component level) which from your experience are the most common defective components you encounter.
For this purpose, it would be best to post a poll on the forum, but I do not see an option, so I will list it like this.
Are they:
1.) defective BGA chips, processors, graphic, pch or other bga chips.
2.) EC controllers
3.) BIOS or EC dump (need clear me, corrupted or similar)
4.) SMD power management chips
5.) SMD transistors, diodes or etc.
6.) SMD capacitors, inductors, resistors, fuses etc
7.) connectors
8.) other defects with pcb
If anyone has another suggestion, feel free to post.

As I repair other equipment, laptops do not make the largest share of my repairs and I may not be the most representative, but it seems to me that most often faulty laptop motherboards have defective BGA chips , more than >50% off all motherboard repairs.

Re: Most common defective components

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 10 marca 2021, 13:09

#2 Re: Most common defective components

przez Vogelek23 10 marca 2021, 13:43
Actually all of the above options can be voted for. Logic board repairs are quite unique and every single repair is different as it comes with a different source of issue (eg. liquid damage, mechanical damage, power/LAN/USB surge, component failure, battery issue etc). Many of modern machines based on a hybrid CPU (CPU+GPU+PCH in one chip) quite often suffer from hybrid CPU fault (but this strongly depends on manufacturer).

To get an accurate answer for your question, you should search for all resolved topics on our forum and find out what is the most commonly replaced component - for better statistics, you shouldn't limit that research to 10-20 topics but view at least 200-300 recently resolved topics.

#3 Re: Most common defective components

przez mladen82 10 marca 2021, 15:28
I wanted to hear what the experiences of other colleagues. As I have already said from my experience it seems to me that the largest number of defects are BGA chips. And worst of all, I can't find any new ones for sure. I found some at Mouser (or similar relaible distributor) and they were too expensive there. So the question arises as to whether it is justified to repair motherboards with such situation?

It may be better to ask the question, which defects are the most common, but in percentages.

#4 Re: Most common defective components

przez Vogelek23 10 marca 2021, 16:25
mladen82 napisał(a):I wanted to hear what the experiences of other colleagues
As I said, you can find an experience of other colleagues in RESOLVED topics, which are the best source of information. Please do not expect any advanced statistics until you do them by yourself (why, please find my answer below the following quote). Again, as I said, many different reasons of damages cause even more possible failures. Now multiply it by the number of logic boards manufactured across the whole world (although most of them are built in similar way, they all have some specific weak points).

mladen82 napisał(a):It may be better to ask the question, which defects are the most common, but in percentages.
I'm afraid nobody keeps such statistics for one common reason - people in workshops do not have enough time to do so. The other problem is that some people ARE able to do a certain works while others AREN'T. Let's say, you have 100 identical laptops to repair, none of them turn on. If you are less experienced in laptop repairs, you won't be able to cross a certain point in diagnosis (your diagnostics ability ends at some point, it may be caused by lack of service equipment or just lack of knowledge). After replacing BIOS and KBC you come to the conclusion that there is a high chance that all those laptops need a hybrid CPU replacement (you suspect a PCH part of APU). Then I get all these machines into my workshop and quickly discover that only 10% of them need hybrid CPU replacement, 25% need power circuit repair (SMPS driver and/or MOSFETs), 37% need KBC programming (you did not know that new KBC on this model needs programming!), 6% have a mechanical damage and they can only be written off (it is my conclusion only but there may be the chance that someone else is able to fix such mechanical damages), and the remaining 22% need just small components to be replaced (like resistor, capacitor etc). Two workshops, two completely different statistics. Too many factors causing such statistics quite unreliable. That's why you should read RESOLVED topics, which only point to the REAL faults found on logic boards in case you require much more reliable statistics. Quite huge job but the only option that makes sense.

Another example - I only fix Apple machines. In my workshop I have a lot of screen/keyboard/battery repairs, a lot of component level repairs (mostly liquid spillages), some percentage of EFI works (corruption, ransomware, forgotten password) and low percentage of BGA repairs (just a small number of models). For those who repair Dell, Toshiba and Lenovo laptops the statistics will be completely different.

#5 Re: Most common defective components

przez mladen82 10 marca 2021, 19:29
Respect for you Vogelek, I realized that you are a professional and founder of this forum if I'm not mistaken.

Let's face it, i wasn't looking for any precise statistics, but roughly without much calculation :)
I like to hear different opinions and experiences, in country where i live there are not many people who deal with this business and then I am forced to look for a discussion with fellows through the foreign forums. Forums are places where discussions are held, right :)

But I agree with you mostly, I don't dispute anything you stated, I know that it is difficult and ungrateful to report any conclusion.
Somewhere I wanted to check my diagnoses also :D Because I often wonder if it is possible that these BGA chips defective so much or maybe I'm doing wrong diagnose.
I've been doing repairs for more than 15 years, I'm an educated in electronics high school and college , worked for an authorized Samsung service center, so I can't say for myself that I'm a beginner.
I do repairs lot of different equipment , TVs, laptops,printers, UPS, also professional audio equipment, amplifiers, mixers, etc. I was very tired of all of it but I struggle. I don't have enough work from just one type of equipment ... I've been a self-employed person for a couple of years now .
Of course, there are more professional and experienced people specifically about motherboard reparations, but I realized that this is not a job that can be learned reliably like school, industry or standard rules. In the end, it comes down to replacing the defective component. And the manufacturers are doing everything to make it harder for us. I follow other forums also, Chipmasters, Vlab, Vinafix and others. I watching to Louis Rossman and others and see how everyone works hard and fighting battles .

You're a happy man if you can only make a living from repairing Apple equipment. In my country, Apple little is sold. Too much expensive.

My english is not so good so sorry for any misunderstanding.

Re: Most common defective components

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 10 marca 2021, 19:29
To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

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