• LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

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#21 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by matic 14 March 2021, 11:57
Measure the resistances to ground on highlighted 7 pins (picture below).

Re: Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Google Adsense [BOT] 14 March 2021, 11:57

#22 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Arni 14 March 2021, 13:14
Measure made without 2xKF7N60, diode
1-3 OL
4- 4.5k
5-7 OL

#23 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem  [SOLVED]

by matic 14 March 2021, 15:53
Replace the damaged components again and try to turn on the TV with disconnected FFC cable (picture below):

#24 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Arni 14 March 2021, 18:36
I dont have more KF7N60 atm. Could I use P4NK60Z? It have better ns, only worst diffrent is that they are 4A, not 7A. It will be good just for test?

#25 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by matic 15 March 2021, 20:26
Arni wrote:I dont have more KF7N60 atm. Could I use P4NK60Z? It have better ns, only worst diffrent is that they are 4A, not 7A. It will be good just for test?
I think the transistors P4NK60Z should be okay for this test.

#26 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Arni 16 March 2021, 02:02
Ok done, It NOT blow now. :D
But I noticed somthing weird. This line (Vs) not get 205V, when FFC cable is disconnected.

#27 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by matic 16 March 2021, 20:17
Arni wrote:This line (Vs) not get 205V, when FFC cable is disconnected.
Check, if the "Vs" voltage appear for a short time, when you turn on the TV.

#28 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Arni 16 March 2021, 20:32
matic wrote:Check, if the "Vs" voltage appear for a short time, when you turn on the TV.
Yep but It was weird. Only in few sec peak. Peak was only 2V

#29 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by matic 16 March 2021, 22:04
Connect a 230V bulb to the "Vs" power rail and check, if the bulb lights up for a short time, when you turn on the TV. I use a 15W/230V bulb from the fridge.

#30 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Arni 17 March 2021, 02:27
Yep it was shining :shock:
I was so supprised :lol:
Nothing exploded :wtf:
It was shining long time, not just moment.

#31 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Arni 19 March 2021, 16:43
I made some more Measure. I check that small board (Responsible for FFC cable), everything looks fine.
What's more when bulb lights up, this is how looks Voltage.
This mean the bulb was consuming all power? right?

#32 Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Arni 30 May 2021, 20:31
Arni wrote:I dont have more KF7N60 atm. Could I use P4NK60Z? It have better ns, only worst diffrent is that they are 4A, not 7A. It will be good just for test?

Przepraszam, że tak długo nie wracałem do tematu, ale czekałem na dostawę z aliexpress.
Na chwile obecną mam ich dużo z aliexpress. Zmieniłem te P4NK60Z na oryginalny KF7N60. Nic nie wybuchło, gdy włączyłem telewizor z odłączonym kablem FFC. Na linii było 205 V (Vs).
Postanowiłem normalnie włączyć telewizor. Wszystko uruchomiło się normalnie. (Myślę, że problem był w 4mosfetach: 2xKF7N60,2XRJP30H2A). Następnym razem, gdy będę wymieniać, wymienię je wszystkie, nawet jeśli tylko jeden lub dwa będą wyglądać na uszkodzone.

Wielkie dzięki matic :D


Sorry I didn't write for so long, but I was waiting for delivery from aliexpress.
Now I have a lot of them from aliexpress. I changed this P4NK60Z for orginal KF7N60. Nothing blow up when I turn on the TV with disconnected FFC cable. There was 205V on line (Vs).
I decided to turn on the tv normally. Everything started normally. (I think problem was in 4mosfets, 2xKF7N60,2XRJP30H2A). Next time I will repleace all of them even only one or two will be damaged.

Thanks much matic :D

Re: LG42pa4500, YSUS problem

by Google Adsense [BOT] 30 May 2021, 20:31

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