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Ця тема позначена як АРХІВНИЙ. Відповідайте лише в тому випадку, якщо ваша відповідь містить рішення проблеми (Правила Форуму, п. 12.1).
Re: ALTEC-410 Temperature Controller Burned parts
Google Adsense [BOT] • 1 Серпня 2021, 13:45
Component values are as follows.
A -> Resistor 8,2kΩ/1%, package 0805
B -> Resistor 5,1kΩ/5%, package 0805
C -> P-channel J-FET (junction) transistor PMBFJ177 Datasheet at the attachment.
The chip marked with an arrow is very likely also damaged.
Check the diode marked with a square.
Also measure the resistance on electrolytic capacitor marked with a square.
Component values are as follows.
A -> Resistor 8,2kΩ/1%, package 0805
B -> Resistor 5,1kΩ/5%, package 0805
C -> P-channel J-FET (junction) transistor PMBFJ177 Datasheet at the attachment.
The chip marked with an arrow is very likely also damaged.
Check the diode marked with a square.
Also measure the resistance on electrolytic capacitor marked with a square.
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Hi have replace the 16 pin 4051 ic. The yellow capacitor is good. I have checked using multimeter I hit it several time with my iron while changing the 16 pin I.c. After replacing the jfet. I am able to start the program unlike before. But problem is seems like. It cannot read temperature. I'm starting to wonder if the stc90c58 is damaged.
Hi sir, I have replaced the 3 ic and the controller is showing temp readings. Problem is the reading are in 3 digits EG. 363, instead of the usual 2 digit reading upon start up. I checked the resistor near the 3 ic. One was off 7503 resistor should be 750k, I removed the ic and it was reading M-ohm I wonder if this is the problem. Also I wonder if this resistor is 1% or 5 %?
I checked resistors and capacitors and found one capacitor that seemed off. I was wondering if you know the value for this capacitor
This capacitor has no resistance and no capacitance reading. I wonder if this maybe the cause of the problem.
I checked resistors and capacitors and found one capacitor that seemed off. I was wondering if you know the value for this capacitor
This capacitor has no resistance and no capacitance reading. I wonder if this maybe the cause of the problem.
ELVIKOM LAB Ltd - Apple Repairs & PCB Design - Free Quotes! https://www.elvikom.co.uk
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Jeśli skorzystałeś z mojej pomocy na Forum, możesz w ramach podziękowania wspomóc jego rozwój. Kliknij tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I have tested the controller on a soldering iron the stand alone temp monitor is reading 100 the altec 410 would show 400 so, it is not giving an accurate reading. I would also, like to ask if if this could be caused by the parts that. I replaced. The smd resistor I replaced with axial resistors and the transistor. The 3 ic I replaced we replacement parts. I couldnt find any originals. Would this cause this problem?
Re: ALTEC-410 Temperature Controller Burned parts
Google Adsense [BOT] • 21 Серпня 2021, 11:27
Ця тема позначена як АРХІВНИЙ. Відповідайте лише в тому випадку, якщо ваша відповідь містить рішення проблеми (Правила Форуму, п. 12.1).
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