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Re: Acer Q67H2-AM- chlodzenie PCH1 -pasta czy termopad?
przez Google Adsense [BOT] • 23 grudnia 2021, 12:01
In addition to mechanical attachment the heatsink on desktop motherboards is usually also glued to the PCH chip with a thermal conductive epoxy or similar thermal conductive adhesive.
The reason is the heatsink is more stable on the chip, because the customers handle with motherboards and the heatsink may cause a short circuit on the board in case it falls off the chip. The heatsink may also tilt to the side if the cables inside the computer touching it and as a result the heatsink will no longer fit the entire surface on the chip leading to poor thermal contact between the chip and the heatsink.
In addition to mechanical attachment the heatsink on desktop motherboards is usually also glued to the PCH chip with a thermal conductive epoxy or similar thermal conductive adhesive.
The reason is the heatsink is more stable on the chip, because the customers handle with motherboards and the heatsink may cause a short circuit on the board in case it falls off the chip. The heatsink may also tilt to the side if the cables inside the computer touching it and as a result the heatsink will no longer fit the entire surface on the chip leading to poor thermal contact between the chip and the heatsink.
janstop84 napisał(a):Mam pytanie czy na układzie PCH1 ma ma być pasta czy termopad?You can use any of this, but keep in mind that the heatsink will no longer be as physically fixed as it should be, which can lead to problems described above.
janstop84 napisał(a):Tak wygląda układ oznaczony jako PCH1 . Widać pozostałości -chyba po termopadzie.It is definitely remains of thermal conductive adhesive.
Such an adhesive becomes softer at higher temperatures.
If enough glue is left on the heatsink, you can just heat up the heatsink and chip to around 80-100°C and reattach the heatsink back to the chip. Check, if the heatsink will hold in place, when it cools down to room temperature. If so, it should be okay, but don't forget to reattach the mechanical attachements.
janstop84 napisał(a):Jaki klej zastosować?I use a double sided thermal conductive tape RD-281H (datasheet attached).
janstop84 napisał(a):Czy można dać paste Arctic MX-2?Yes, you can, but keep in mind that the heatsink will no longer be as physically fixed as it should be, which can lead to the problems described in post #2.
Re: Acer Q67H2-AM- chlodzenie PCH1 -pasta czy termopad?
przez Google Adsense [BOT] • 26 grudnia 2021, 07:00
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