• Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

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#1 Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by kamil1986 8 January 2022, 19:56
Witam mój stary telewizor przestał działać, kompletnie martwy. okazał się uszkodzony zasilacz. Po wstępnych oględzinach zauważyłem kilka spuchniętych kondensatorów po ich wymianie oraz wymianie przepalonego bezpiecznika. Przy pierwszej próbie uruchomienia zasilacza wyleciały w powietrze oba termistory TH1 oraz TH2 oraz bezpiecznik f800 zaznaczone na wycinku schematu poniżej. Posprawdzałem elementy w tej gałęzi na wypadek elementów powodujących zwarcie i nic nie znalazłem. Diody mostek prostowniczy kondensatory wydają się być ok. Rezystancja obwodu mierzona na warystorze R801 VAR-510V to 0,9MΩ więc według mnie nie ma zwarcia w tej linii, więc co powoduje palenie się termistorów oraz bezpiecznika. Dodam że po wymianie termistorów do testów u używam bezpiecznika 2A standardowo powinien być 3,5A. Z bezpiecznikiem 2A pali się tylko bezpiecznik termistory pozostają całe.
Telewizor : SHARP LC-40F22E
Płyta zasilacza: 17PW26 REV:04


Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by Google Adsense [BOT] 8 January 2022, 19:56

#2 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by matic 8 January 2022, 21:07

Measure the resistance on main capacitor C819.

#3 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by kamil1986 8 January 2022, 21:23
Resistance at C819 0,1Ω measured between + and -.

#4 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by matic 8 January 2022, 21:38
Check the power transistors Q803, Q813, Q814.

#5 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by kamil1986 9 January 2022, 12:33
Check the power transistors Q803, Q813, Q814.

the transistors Q813, Q814 seems to be damaged short circuit between the gate, drain, and source at both transistors. The transistors were measured desoldered from the board. The resistance between D, S, G is 3,5Ω at q813 and 2,6Ω at q814

Measure the resistance on main capacitor C819

The resistance at C819 is over-scale after desoldering Q813 and Q814.

#6 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by matic 9 January 2022, 13:37
Transistors Q813, Q814 are damaged for sure and needs to be replaced.

Remove both transistors from the board and measure the resistances between listed pins of chip IC830:
a) Between pin 1 and pin 4.
b) Between pin 4 and pin 5.
c) Between pin 5 and pin 6.
d) Between pin 6 and pin 7.
e) Between pin 7 and pin 8.

Also check the resistors R860, R861 and diodes D891, D892.

#7 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by kamil1986 9 January 2022, 17:57
Remove both transistors from the board and measure the resistances between listed pins of chip IC830:
a) Between pin 1 and pin 4.
b) Between pin 4 and pin 5.
c) Between pin 5 and pin 6.
d) Between pin 6 and pin 7.
e) Between pin 7 and pin 8.

pin 1 and pin 4. -12kΩ
pin 4 and pin 5. - 5kΩ
pin 5 and pin 6. - 8,2kΩ
pin 6 and pin 7. - 8,2kΩ
pin 7 and pin 8 - 29k

Also check the resistors R860, R861, and diodes D891, D892.

R680 33Ω
R861 33Ω
D891 and 892 are not soldered onto PCB.

#8 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by matic 9 January 2022, 18:54
Chip IC830 seems good.
Replace both transistors and test the TV. If it works, measure the voltage on main capacitor C819 (be aware of high voltage).

#9 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by kamil1986 15 January 2022, 10:13
Hi, transistors and thermistor has been replaced, tv works properly.

measure the voltage on main capacitor C819

The voltage at this capacitor is 390V.

#10 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.  [SOLVED]

by matic 15 January 2022, 10:26
kamil1986 wrote:The voltage at this capacitor is 390V.
This voltage is normal, so the PFC part of the power supply also works.
The repair is complete, you can close the thread.

#11 Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by kamil1986 15 January 2022, 10:41
Thank for help Matic.

Re: Zasilacz telewizora SHARP LC-40F22E Pali termistory.

by Google Adsense [BOT] 15 January 2022, 10:41

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