• [EC/KBC DUMP REQUEST] Searching for the EC File for a Asus Zeenbook UX434F Motherboard UX334FL Rev. 2.0

#1 [EC/KBC DUMP REQUEST] Searching for the EC File for a Asus Zeenbook UX434F Motherboard UX334FL Rev. 2.0

by iggylotty 17 March 2022, 20:25
can someone pls help with the EC file for a Asus UX434F?
The Chip is blown up and it is impossible to read the file from it.
Is there a way to extract it from the Asus Bios Update .exe?

GPU: MX150 N17S-LG-A1
EC: IT8225VG-128
Bios: 25Q128JVPQ

Grüße Steven

Re: [EC/KBC DUMP REQUEST] Searching for the EC File for a Asus Zeenbook UX434F Motherboard UX334FL Rev. 2.0

by Google Adsense [BOT] 17 March 2022, 20:25

#2 [EC/KBC DUMP REQUEST] Re: Searching for the EC File for a Asus Zeenbook UX434F Motherboard UX334FL Rev. 2.0  [SOLVED]

by Vogelek23 18 March 2022, 00:15
If you have the main BIOS file working, the EC chip should be automatically programmed on the 1st power-on as long as you have fitted the brand new and blank EC chip (please do not forget to leave the machine for at least 10 minutes to allow the auto-programming to complete - do not try to power-off the motherboard as the auto-programming won't complete and the EC will become useless until programmed externally).

Moreover, you can easily extract the EC file from your BIOS dump - just open the dump with "HxD" application and search for "ITE8226" ASCII string (marked with red rectangle). Above that string (the address is usually 0x900000, 0x700000 or something else quite rounded) you can find the string beginning with the letter "H" - set the cursor right before this letter (look at the blue arrow pointer):

Next, right-click on this position and choose SELECT BLOCK, then select LENGTH option. Enter the value "20000" (twenty thousands) as shown below and click OK:

Exactly 131072 bytes of code (equally to the flash size on ITE8226) will be selected. Now right-click on that selected code and choose COPY. Then, choose FILE -> NEW from app's menu, paste that copied code into that blank file (accept when prompted about changing the file size) and finally, save it as new file (with *.bin extension) to your HDD. Voila! You have your fully functional EC file extracted from BIOS.

#3 [EC/KBC DUMP REQUEST] Re: Searching for the EC File for a Asus Zeenbook UX434F Motherboard UX334FL Rev. 2.0

by iggylotty 21 March 2022, 01:15
thank you for your help:)
The problem was that I take a used one from another Zeenbook, he startet but nothing happens, only the fan spinning like wild and I switched it off.
I will program it manually and hope that it works, when not I order new one.
Grüße Steven

[EC/KBC DUMP REQUEST] Re: Searching for the EC File for a Asus Zeenbook UX434F Motherboard UX334FL Rev. 2.0

by Google Adsense [BOT] 21 March 2022, 01:15

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