• B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

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#1 B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez ismailakyoltr 8 stycznia 2023, 08:56
There is no brand or model statement other than the case. I'm guessing it's just the B&R brand on the motherboard.

Brand: B&R
Model: SPC900.TS77
Mainboard: APCBB53 050005082-03

I did apply 5th pin 1v 1a, any part does not heat up. I am waiting for your help about the product.


Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 8 stycznia 2023, 08:56

#2 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez matic 8 stycznia 2023, 12:23
ismailakyoltr napisał(a):I did apply 5th pin 1v 1a, any part does not heat up.
Repeat the short circuit test on pin 16 of this chip. Limit the voltage to 3V. Start with a current limit 0.5A. If nothing heats up, rise up the current to 1A.
If still nothing heats up, measure the voltage on the end of test wires (at the point, where they are soldered to the board) during a short circuit test at 1A.

#3 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez Vogelek23 8 stycznia 2023, 15:13
Please remove the marked part of the sticker to uncover the printed markings (partially visible on the left, begin with 133).

#4 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez ismailakyoltr 10 stycznia 2023, 13:38
I have installed up to 1.5a but there is no heating component on the front and back.
I can't think of anything. Any chance of working with low resistance?
Even if it's bios related. I think I can't find dump bios.
I'm considering removing the CPU based on the answers from you guys.


matic napisał(a):1A'da kısa devre testi sırasında test kablolarının ucundaki (panoya lehimlendikleri noktada) voltajı ölçün.

I'm sorry I skipped this part. If it's important, I can repeat the process.

#5 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez matic 10 stycznia 2023, 22:15
ismailakyoltr napisał(a):
matic napisał(a):1A'da kısa devre testi sırasında test kablolarının ucundaki (panoya lehimlendikleri noktada) voltajı ölçün.
I'm sorry I skipped this part. If it's important, I can repeat the process.
Yes, it's important. Please do it.

#6 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez ismailakyoltr 11 stycznia 2023, 12:56
matic napisał(a):1A'da kısa devre testi sırasında test kablolarının ucundaki

I stripped the middle of the cable, there is 0.28v there, but there is nothing at the point where they are soldered to the board.

#7 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez matic 11 stycznia 2023, 16:42
There is no short circuit at all.
The LDO3 output of the chip ISL62392C is not used on this board. The designer of the board disabled the LDO3 regulator with connecting the enable pin to ground and this way the LDO3 output is not active and can be connected to the ground as well.

Solder the ISL chip back to its place and measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 24, 27 of this chip.

#8 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez ismailakyoltr 12 stycznia 2023, 14:16
The assembly is complete, the measurements are like this.
matic napisał(a):ISL çipini tekrar yerine lehimleyin ve bu çipin 1, 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 24, 27 pinlerindeki toprağa giden gerilimleri ölçün.

1)28K 4)1.4M 8)22K 11)10K 14)200M+
17)9M 18)10M 21)200M+ 24)2ohm 27)35K

#9 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem 

przez matic 12 stycznia 2023, 14:25
ismailakyoltr napisał(a):1)28K 4)1.4M 8)22K 11)10K 14)200M+
17)9M 18)10M 21)200M+ 24)2ohm 27)35K
I asked about the voltage measurements, not resistances.

#10 Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez ismailakyoltr 19 stycznia 2023, 08:14
Thanks for your help. The product is currently on hold, I will take it back to the counter in the future.

Re: B&R SPC900.TS77-05 Short circuit problem

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 19 stycznia 2023, 08:14

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