• Problem with uploading photos and files

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#1 Problem with uploading photos and files

przez Amir 24 stycznia 2023, 14:59
I don't know if I asked my question in the right place..
i can not upload file and picture

can't reach this page It looks like the webpage at pictures.php might be having issues, or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

please advise me

Re: Problem with uploading photos and files

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 24 stycznia 2023, 14:59

#2 Re: Problem with uploading photos and files

przez Vogelek23 24 stycznia 2023, 15:26
Yes, this is the correct place to ask such questions. What is the OS and browser? On Chrome, Safari and Firefox it works perfectly fine:
Please note that you MUST be logged in to be able to use Image Upload script - otherwise you will get the "You are not authorised to access this area" error. You may also need to read this article: https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/err_ht ... col_error/

#3 Re: Problem with uploading photos and files

przez Amir 24 stycznia 2023, 15:43
hi again
os is windows 7(32).i tested with chrome and Microsoft edge seem problem and I'm logged in correctly.

#4 Re: Problem with uploading photos and files

przez Vogelek23 24 stycznia 2023, 15:49
Amir napisał(a):os is windows 7(32)
Sorry, but Windows 7 32-bit is no longer supported by our server. You will need to have at least Windows 7 64-bit or higher version. What is the version of your Chrome browser?

EDIT: it seems you have finally uploaded the photo: post278651.html#p278651

#5 Re: Problem with uploading photos and files

przez Amir 24 stycznia 2023, 15:54
You are right
version 109.0.5414.75 (Official Build) (32-bit)
I asked because I had no problem with this version before.Yes, with lots of repetition i uploaded.

We have many problems in this country. Now I'm afraid to change Windows because, for example, I need an activation code to reinstall Telegram, which is difficult to get. All messengers are almost blocked by filtering.
Most of the websites do not serve Iranian users and the rest were filtered by our own government.
I hope no one will be in the situation of me and my people. Every day, a lot of our energy is spent on preparing proxy and VPN.
And I am really happy to be able to access your good forum. I wish you success
Special thanks to you and all your managers

#6 Re: Problem with uploading photos and files  [ROZWIĄZANY]

przez Vogelek23 24 stycznia 2023, 17:27
I compassionate with you, tough times... I will never block an access for any country to my forum - the only potential situation that may occur is when the ISP has locked out certain country from accessing their network globally, but this will never be my own move.

Regarding the problem, you may need to try Firefox then - it seems it is the only browser which still supports Windows 7.

Re: Problem with uploading photos and files  [ROZWIĄZANY]

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 24 stycznia 2023, 17:27

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