• Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T (Mobo: NB2629_PCB_MB_V3) - 5V circuit problem

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#1 Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T (Mobo: NB2629_PCB_MB_V3) - 5V circuit problem

przez RafiManch 9 marca 2023, 22:50
Hello Everyone,
I am looking for advise how to find the faulty component. I am aware that many chips is using 5V.
My thermal camera has been sent for repair and it is hard to notice problematic IC.
Laptop is not starting. 5V stays on until I press power button to start laptop. Drops to 0V right after pressing power button. When I force shut down 5V comes back on.
Has someone had the same or similar problem to point me to right direction please ?
Thank you.

Re: Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T (Mobo: NB2629_PCB_MB_V3) - 5V circuit problem

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 9 marca 2023, 22:50

#2 Re: Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T (Mobo: NB2629_PCB_MB_V3) - 5V circuit problem

przez Vogelek23 10 marca 2023, 00:20
Measure the resistances to ground on: PL401, PL601, PL602, PL701, PL702, PL1301, PL1302, pin 13/14 of PU902, pin 8/9 and 13/14 of PU901, pin 8/9 and 13/14 of PU1201. Next, disconnect audio/USB board and check if the problem persist. Inspect all USB ports against mechanical damages and short circut.

#3 Re: Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T (Mobo: NB2629_PCB_MB_V3) - 5V circuit problem

przez RafiManch 11 marca 2023, 11:30
Hello Vogelek23,
Thank you for your continuous help. Disconnecting audio/USB board has not made any difference. USB ports are in perfect condition.
Boardview what I have has different numbers on the coils but that should not be the problem. I have measured all required values:
PL301 26kΩ, PL201 30KΩ, PL701 253Ω, PL101 1.7MΩ, PL501 177Ω, PL601 72Ω, PL602 72Ω, pin 13/14 of PU902 0.2Ω, pin 8/9 and 13/14 of PU901 1.2kΩ and 133Ω, pin 8/9 and 13/14 of PU1201 NOT POPULATED.
I have removed PU902 as well as small capacitor near by but resistance was still the same low. Is applying voltage to shorted line is only one possible solution to find faulty component please ?
I have to work without thermal camera this time.

#4 Re: Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T (Mobo: NB2629_PCB_MB_V3) - 5V circuit problem  [ROZWIĄZANY]

przez Vogelek23 11 marca 2023, 16:49
Remove UA1 (audio codec), UX2 (touch screen power line switch) and UI1 (HDMI power line switch) chips one by one and check every time if the resistance to ground on pin 13/14 of PU902 goes up significantly. One of these is most likely shorted to ground. If you remove UI1 and short has gone, measure the resistance to ground on pin 18 of HDMI port and check this port against mechanical damages - if everything is good and resistance is high, UI1 is defective only. If you remove UX2 and short has gone, measure the resistance to ground on pin 7 of JEDP1/JEDP2 and check this connector against burnt marks or mechanical damages - if everything is good and resistance is high, UX2 is defective only. If you remove UA1 and short has gone, the codec is defective for sure. If short still appears after removing UA1, UX2 and UI1, it means one of these capacitors is defective: CA6, CA7, CA11, CA12, CA13, CA14, CA17, CA18 or CA32. You can rule out some of them by removing RA247 jumper and FBA4 ferrite bead.

#5 Re: Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T (Mobo: NB2629_PCB_MB_V3) - 5V circuit problem

przez RafiManch 11 marca 2023, 18:59
Hello Vogelek23,
Thank you for you correct guidance. I know this could be an easy repair with thermal camera.
The problem has caused capacitor CA32. Did not look faulty but after removing this one the resistance on PU902 has gone up to 10MΩ.
After inspecting capacitor closer I have noticed tiny lane across the bottom of component.
Thank you again.

Re: Acer Swift 5 SF514-55T (Mobo: NB2629_PCB_MB_V3) - 5V circuit problem

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 11 marca 2023, 18:59

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