• Hp ProBook 470 G5 - Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed

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#1 Hp ProBook 470 G5 - Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed

matic 21 Березня 2023, 07:56
Model: Hp ProBook 470 G5
Motherboard: Quanta X8C, DA0X8CMB6E0, Rev: E

At the laptop mentioned above, the BIOS was corrupted. I reflashed the BIOS chip with a dump extracted from the manufacturer's website. After that the machine works, but I need to enter the DMI data to the new BIOS:
I couldn't find the DMI data in the old (original) BIOS, so I got them from the Hp "partsurfer" website by entering the machine's serial number.

The "Product Family" number was already factory entered and I managed to successfully entered all the other DMI data, except the "Feature Byte".
I can type "Feature Byte" into the field, but when I want to confirm it, I get the error "Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed":
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I double-checked that I didn't make up a typo while entering the number (including upper and lower case letters).
Any idea why it throws me the mentioned error?

Re: Hp ProBook 470 G5 - Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed

Google Adsense [BOT] 21 Березня 2023, 07:56

#2 Re: Hp ProBook 470 G5 - Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed

marcinmarcin 21 Березня 2023, 08:14
Najprawdopodobniej popełniłeś jednak literówkę. Sprawdź również w "Build ID".
Jeśli posiadasz całego laptopa, to feature byte i build id powinny być na naklejce w środku. Na dolnej klapie lub palmreście.

#3 Re: Hp ProBook 470 G5 - Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed

xamledyD 21 Березня 2023, 08:28
Are you entering Feature Byte with spaces? Try to enter Feature Byte with extra spaces every fourth character, except the last five characters which you enter like "XX0.YY" (instead of 0 add space before dot).
Have you tried updating BIOS to latest version and restore default settings? Sometimes it requires few tries to resolve issue.

#4 Re: Hp ProBook 470 G5 - Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed

matic 22 Березня 2023, 20:46
marcinmarcin написав:Najprawdopodobniej popełniłeś jednak literówkę. Sprawdź również w "Build ID".
I checked the entered "Build ID", "Serial Number", "SKU Number" and "System Board CT Number" one more time and I didn't find a typo.
I tried to enter the "Feature Byte" again, there is also no typo.
marcinmarcin написав:Jeśli posiadasz całego laptopa, to feature byte i build id powinny być na naklejce w środku. Na dolnej klapie lub palmreście.
Yes, I have the whole machine and I'm probably the first one who opened it (excluded the RAM/HDD cover).
I checked all the stickers I could find, but I couldn't find the "Feature Byte" or "Build ID" on any of them.

xamledyD написав:Are you entering Feature Byte with spaces?
No, there are no spaces in the "Feature Byte" I got from the Hp "partsurfer" website.
xamledyD написав:Try to enter Feature Byte with extra spaces every fourth character, except the last five characters which you enter like "XX0.YY" (instead of 0 add space before dot).
The "Feature Byte" I got from the Hp "partsurfer" website has the following form: xxxxxxxxxxx#SBED#DBED
I don't know where exactly do you mean to add extra spaces.
xamledyD написав:Have you tried updating BIOS to latest version
I updated the BIOS to the latest version now:
Unfortunately it throws the same error when I try to enter the "Feature Byte".
However after the BIOS update, a request for new DMI data appeared "SMBIOS UUID", which I don't know what to enter:
xamledyD написав:and restore default settings?
I also reset the BIOS to the "Factory Defaults", but that didn't change anything.

And one more thing - I'm not sure about the "SKU number". I entered the "Product ID" number here (from the laptop bottom cover) without the "#BED" extension.

#5 Re: Hp ProBook 470 G5 - Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed

xamledyD 1 Квітня 2023, 18:02
The only other idea that I would try is check with hexadecimal editor in other functional BIOS dump from other working board, how are DMI data written (plain text or encrypted, with or without checksum etc.), and then try to input DMI data straight into your working dump file.

Re: Hp ProBook 470 G5 - Invalid Feature Byte - CRC failed

Google Adsense [BOT] 1 Квітня 2023, 18:02
Ця тема позначена як АРХІВНИЙ. Відповідайте лише в тому випадку, якщо ваша відповідь містить рішення проблеми (Правила Форуму, п. 12.1).

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