• Problem writing to MX25L25673G

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#1 Problem writing to MX25L25673G

przez Mobotool 3 kwietnia 2023, 07:39
Hi to all, I'm facing a problem writing to an MX25L25673G SOIC-16 bios chip (part of an HP EliteOne 1000 G2 27") with a Willem programmer 5.0B (with software PCB98D12c4).
I know my programmer is old and I've planned to buy a new one but it worked until now with every eeprom I've faced in different devices, this is the first time that is giving me this kind of problem and I need to urgently solve it because I've already changed the fried southbridge and cleaned its ME fw, so I need to finish the last step of the repair.
This Willem supports some 256Mbit eeprom, I can choose between MXIC, Winbond and cfEON, it also recognizes the IC by the "Auto select chip" button as MX25L25635E/MX25L25735E, I have read it correctly many times but writing to it give always the same error, when verifying data written, always at the same address 0x344003, with the same wrong bytes.
I've read the written bin after the error and comparing the file extracted to the one I'd like to write, they are the same only in the first 0x344002, after which there are chunks of other data similar to the one I'd like to write but the comparison fails.
After some correct readings, I've also erased the entire IC and lanched a "blank test" and it verifyed that the IC was full of FF, so erasing process completes correctly.
Since I don't have an adapter for this SOIC-16 IC, I've "build" one with flying wires (shorter than 4cm), I don't know if this can be the cause of the wrong writing, but if it was shouldn't it be a problem also in reading?
I've tried taking away the jumper for 3v3/3v6 voltage option, in order to feed the IC with 3v6, but it changed nothing.
Have someone faced this problem before?
Can someone suggest using a different software?
Can someone suggest some settings in the software or the hardware (there are many dip switches and jumpers on its board) of the Willem programmer, please?
Thank you in advance :)

Re: Problem writing to MX25L25673G

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 3 kwietnia 2023, 07:39

#2 Re: Problem writing to MX25L25673G

przez Mobotool 17 kwietnia 2023, 18:01
I'm sorry Mr Vogelek23 to have posted my message in the wrong section...

Anyone can share an advice for this problem?
I've bought an adapter for soldered SOIC16 to SOIC8-DIP, I've compared the wirings that I've used before and they were the same, but also with the new adapter I can read and cancel this eeprom but I can't write correctly to it, the verification stops always at the same hex point 0x344003.
I've tried with a CPH341A owned by one of my friend's and all goes well, I don't understand why the Willem recognizes the eeprom but fails at the verification step.
It seems it could be some wrong software settings, something like an expired timing or the likes.
Has anyone tried to write to this eeprom with the Willem before or can suggest something, please?

Re: Problem writing to MX25L25673G

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 17 kwietnia 2023, 18:01
To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

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