• Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

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#1 Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Bezel018 5 dicembre 2023, 19:55
Model: Samsung NP-RC710
Płyta: Jinmao-L Rev: 1.0
CPU: i3-380M (SLBZX)
Kość: MX 25L3206E

Laptop się nie uruchamia. Po podłączeniu zasilacza świeci zielona dioda. Po włączeniu przycisku "Power" brak jakiejkolwiek reakcji. 3.3V obecne na przycisku "Power".
Zmierzyłem rezystancje na cewkach.


1 - 400 kΩ
2 - 23 kΩ
3 - 5,8 kΩ
4 - 12,8 Ω
5 - 1,9 kΩ
6 - 30 Ω
7 - 30 Ω
8 - 44 Ω
9 - 7 Ω (koło mostka)

Na podłączonym zasilaczu napięcie tylko na celce "1" = 0,37 V.

Można prosić o pomoc?

Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Google Adsense [BOT] 5 dicembre 2023, 19:55

#2 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da matic 5 dicembre 2023, 20:50

Measure the voltages to ground on pins 64, 116 of KBC chip in the following cases:
a) Power button released.
b) Power button pressed.

#3 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Bezel018 5 dicembre 2023, 21:03
matic ha scritto:Measure the voltages to ground on pins 64, 116 of KBC chip in the following cases:
a) Power button released.
b) Power button pressed.

Ad. a) pin 64 = 0,42 V, pin 116 = 3,3V
Ad. b) pin 64 = 0,42 V, pin 116 = 0V

#4 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da matic 5 dicembre 2023, 22:25
- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 7, 8 of BIOS chip.
- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 4, 15, 33, 34, 40, 42, 43, 53, 65, 90, 107 of KBC chip.

#5 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Bezel018 6 dicembre 2023, 16:20
matic ha scritto:- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 7, 8 of BIOS chip.

pin 7,8 = 3,3 V
matic ha scritto:- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 4, 15, 33, 34, 40, 42, 43, 53, 65, 90, 107 of KBC chip.

pin 4 = 0 V
pin 15 = 1,84 V
pin 33 = 0,12 V
pin 34 = 0,56 V
pin 40 = 3,3 V
pin 42 = 0 V
pin 43 = 0 V
pin 53 = 0,35 V
pin 65 = 0,54 V
pin 90 = 0 V
pin 107 = 0 V

#6 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Bezel018 9 dicembre 2023, 17:04
Wymieniłem profilaktycznie przetwornicę TPS51125. Dalej bez zmian.
prośba o dalsze sugestie.

#7 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Machine 11 dicembre 2023, 09:17
Measure the voltages on pin 116 of the KBC in the following cases:
to power OFF
with power on pressed
to power "ON".
If you took the measurements on the KBC without pressing the start button, remeasure them.

#8 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Bezel018 11 dicembre 2023, 13:55
Machine ha scritto:to power OFF

pin 116 = 3,3 V
Machine ha scritto:with power on pressed

pin 116 = 0 V when preesed, after that presents again 3,3 V
Machine ha scritto:to power "ON"

pin 116 = 3,3 V

Remeasure after pressed:
pin 4 = 0 V
pin 15 = 1,84 V
pin 33 = 0,12 V
pin 34 = 0,56 V
pin 40 = 3,3 V
pin 42 = 0 V
pin 43 = 0 V
pin 53 = 0,12 V
pin 65 = 0,54 V
pin 90 = 0 V
pin 107 = 0 V

#10 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Bezel018 11 dicembre 2023, 22:36
Machine ha scritto:Replace the bios and remember to save the old one.

I do not have any data in bios chip. It was empty. Strange...

I programed the dump from this post: samsung-rc710-czarny-ekran-t29763.html
Board turned on. The display is ok but fan have very high speed all the time.

When I cleaned the ME region, the board turned on but I have only backlight. In this case I do not have a video on the screen.

#11 Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da matic 12 dicembre 2023, 07:47
Bezel018 ha scritto:When I cleaned the ME region, the board turned on but I have only backlight. In this case I do not have a video on the screen.
You have not successfully cleaned the ME-region, or you used an incompatible version of the ME-region.
You can upload the BIOS dump to the "ZAPYTANIA O DOKUMENTACJE/BIOS" department and ask for cleaning the ME-region. Don't forget to specify the major IC's markings according to the rules.

Re: Samsung NP-RC710 Jinmao-L REV: 1.0 Nie włącza się.

da Google Adsense [BOT] 17 dicembre 2023, 20:36

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