• Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

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#21 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez matic 14 grudnia 2023, 21:43
Do you have an oscilloscope?
If so, measure the voltages to ground on pins 4, 5 of battery connector with an oscilloscope with and without battery connected (power supply connected all the time).

Re: Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 14 grudnia 2023, 21:43

#22 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 18 grudnia 2023, 16:45
below are the measurements:

pin4 with battery:

pin5 with battery:

pin4 without battery:

pin5 without battery:

#23 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez matic 18 grudnia 2023, 21:18
Do you have a Svod 3 or Svod 4 programmer?

#24 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 19 grudnia 2023, 10:58
Unfortunately, I don't have svod 3/4. If it's a matter of reprogramming the KBC, I think I would try to outsource the programming to someone who has... Does SVOD 3/4 support MEC1515?

#25 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez matic 19 grudnia 2023, 11:07
pawel1978 napisał(a):If it's a matter of reprogramming the KBC...
No, it isn't. It matter of a battery test that can be performed by connecting the battery to the Svod 3/4 programmer.

Without the Svod programmer, I can suggest you to test the machine with another battery.

#26 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 21 grudnia 2023, 09:05
Another battery was installed. Its charge level is 69% - Excellent status - in the BIOS after connecting the power supply, information about charging/after disconnecting idle. Unfortunately, still no charging. At rest, power consumption is 0.00 - 0.01 :(

#27 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez matic 28 grudnia 2023, 22:56
Repeat the test suggested in post #19 with another battery.

#28 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 29 grudnia 2023, 08:55
with battery:

and here's an interesting fact... after removing the battery, there is 18.5V on pins 1-3 for a while... after a dozen or so seconds it drops to 0.08V


#29 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez matic 29 grudnia 2023, 11:07
Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 32 of charger chip PUB01 with the power supply + battery connected.

#30 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 29 grudnia 2023, 11:55
1, - 11,3V
2, - 11,3V
5, - 19,5V
7, - 24,7V
8, - 5,3V
12, - 10,9V
14, -0,09V
15, - 0V
16, - 2,2V
17, - 19,3V
18, - 5,3V
21, - 3,2V
22, - 3,2V
23, - 5,3V
24, - 3,1V
25, - 0 V
28, - 5,2V
31, - 11,3V
32,- 9,1V

#32 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 29 grudnia 2023, 16:57
PRB07 checked - 4ohm - OK
PQB11 - looks OK when measured on the board
PQB12 - desoldered to be sure and it's a strange thing... sometimes there is a short circuit between the drain and the source - other times there is about 500 ohm resistance. To be sure, I replaced it with AON7702 - unfortunately without a positive result

#34 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 30 grudnia 2023, 09:10

1- 19,6V


7 - high ~ 5.5Mohm

PRB07 - my mistake - it has 4kohm

#36 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez matic 30 grudnia 2023, 17:19
pawel1978 napisał(a):PQB12 - desoldered to be sure and it's a strange thing... sometimes there is a short circuit between the drain and the source - other times there is about 500 ohm resistance.
Bridge the pins 4 and 8 of this transistor to discharge a possible charge on the gate and check the resistance between drain and source again.

Check the resistors PRB11 (1Ω) and PRB12 (2Ω).

#37 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 2 stycznia 2024, 16:51
The resistance between pin 14 and 15 is 1.5kohm.
PRB11 - measured on the board is 1.2Kokm and PRB12 - 200ohm

#38 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez matic 2 stycznia 2024, 22:57
So the resistors PRB11 and PRB12 are definitely damaged. Replace them.
PRB11= 1Ω/5%, package 0402
PRB12= 2Ω/5%, package 0402

#39 Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez pawel1978 5 stycznia 2024, 10:19
After replacing both resistors, unfortunately PUB01 was damaged again. Current consumption 0.16A and PUB01 is getting hot. Notebook won't start :frustry:

Both resistors also damaged again.. two measurements on the board indicate 500ohm

Re: Dell Inspiron 15 3511 - brak startu, grzeje się charger

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 5 stycznia 2024, 14:24

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