• MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

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#1 MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 11 Januar 2024, 16:46
Model : MSI Gaming MS-16j71
Board id : MS-16j71 ver 1.0

Laptop can't start. 19V is ok and 5V 3V is also ok. When press power key, only show 0.010 amp on DC supply. Need help.

Voltages to ground on coils are
Choke 7 - 3.3V (When press power key)
Choke 8 - 5V (When press power key)
PChoke 1 - 1V (When press power key)
Choke 1 - 0.9V (With or without press power key)
all other coils have 0V.

Resistance to ground on coils are
Choke 1 - 4M
Choke 2 - 217K
Choke 4, 5 - 18.5 Ohm
Choke 6 - 171 Ohm
Choke 7 - 15K
Choke 8 - 530 Ohm
PChoke 1 - 130 Ohm
PL1, PL3 - 7 Ohm
PL5 - 14 Ohm
PL6 - 2.6K

Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 11 Januar 2024, 16:46

#2 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a matic 11 Januar 2024, 19:29

Measure the voltages to ground on pins 4, 7 of chip PU14 immediately after pressing to the power button.

#3 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 12 Januar 2024, 06:56
PU14 pins,
Pin 3,4 - 1.8V
Pin 7 - 3.3V

#4 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a matic 12 Januar 2024, 09:42
- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 53, 95, 103, 108, 121, 127 of KBC chip in the following cases:
a) Machine turned off.
b) Immediately after pressing to the power button.

- Measure the voltage to ground on pin 117 of KBC chip in the following cases:
c) Power button released.
b) Power button pressed.

#5 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 12 Januar 2024, 15:18
KBC chip pins,
Pin 53 - 3.3V (turn off / press power key)
Pin 95 - 0V (turn off) / 3.3V (press power key)
Pin 103 - 0V (turn off / press power key)
Pin 108 - 0V (turn off) / 3.3V (press power key)
Pin 121, 127 - 0V (turn off / press power key)
Pin 117 - 0V (turn off) / 0V (Power button pressed) / 3.3V (Power button released)

#6 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a matic 12 Januar 2024, 17:54
Do you have an oscilloscope?
If so, check if you get any pulse on pins 121, 127 of the KBC chip immediately after pressing to the power button.

#7 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 13 Januar 2024, 10:18
Unfortunately i don't have any oscilloscope.

#8 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a matic 13 Januar 2024, 16:58
Try to reflash the BIOS chip. Don't forget to save the old dump.

If it doesn't change anything, the APU hybrid is probably damaged. You can try to reflow it.

#9 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 14 Januar 2024, 15:01
I download bios from MSI official website and flash it. Laptop still can't open. But some conditions are change. When press power key, power comsumption on DC Supply is about 0.100 amp and ..

PL5 - 1V
Choke 6 - 1.2V

KBC chip pins,
Pin 103 - 0V (turn off) / 3.3V (press power key)
Pin 121, 127 - 0V (turn off) / 3.3V (press power key)

#10 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a matic 14 Januar 2024, 15:59
That seems better.

Measure the following voltages to ground immediately after pressing to the power button:
- On pins 1, 20 of chip PU5.
- On pins 1 of transistors PQ4, PQ5, PQ19, PQ20.

#11 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 14 Januar 2024, 17:04
PU5 pins
Pin 1 - 0V
Pin 20 - 3.3V

PQ4 pin 1 - 1V
PQ5 pin 1 - 0V
PQ19 pin 1 - 3.3V
PQ20 pin 1 - 5V

#12 Re: MSI Gaming Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a matic 14 Januar 2024, 17:25
Measure the voltages to ground on pins 16, 17 of chip PU5 immediately after pressing to the power button.

#13 Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 15 Januar 2024, 10:20
PU5 pins
Pin 16 - 3.3V
Pin 17 - 0V

#15 Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a matic 15 Januar 2024, 21:05
Measure the following voltages to ground immediately after pressing to the power button:
- On pins 2 of transistors PQ17, PQ18.
- On all pins of chip PU6.

Transistors PQ17, PQ18 pinout:

#16 Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 16 Januar 2024, 14:40
Choke6 still have1.2V, only for a while when press power key.

PQ17 - 0V
PQ18 - about 0.3V

PU6 pins
Pin 1 - 3.3V
Pin 2 - G
Pin 3 - 3.3V
Pin 4 - 0V
Pin 5 - 3.3V
Pin 6 - 3V

#17 Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a matic 16 Januar 2024, 20:26
Measure the voltages to ground on pins 2, 3, 5, 6 of transistor PQ32 immediately after pressing to the power button.

#18 Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 17 Januar 2024, 08:42
Pin 2 - 3.3V
Pin 3 - 0V
Pin 5, 6 - 14.4V (with or without press power button)

#19 Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start  [REŠENO]

Napisal/-a matic 17 Januar 2024, 17:04
Replace the transistor PQ32 (DMN65D8LDW).
You can also use the transistor 2N7002KDW as a replacement, which is usually easier to find.

#20 Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a cygron 22 Januar 2024, 06:31
Replace the transistor PQ32 (DMN65D8LDW) with good one and now laptop is fine. Thank you very much for your helping and teaching matic. Best regards.

Re: MSI Gaming MS-16j71 Laptop can't start

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 22 Januar 2024, 06:31

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